There’s an old saying about news, but we don’t believe it. “No news is bad news.” So we want to keep you informed about what is going on at B.H. Carroll. Below you’ll find the latest happenings. If you have a news tip about a B.H. Carroll faculty member, donor, alumnus or alumna, please let us know. We want to tell the world about what our students, donors, and professors are doing.
Gene Wilkes Elected as Carroll’s New President
The Board of Governors of B. H. Carroll Theological Institute voted October 22 to elect Dr. Gene Wilkes as the Institute’s new president. Dr. Wilkes follows Dr. Bruce Corley, who has served as president since the Institution began in...
DFW Alumni Gathering
The first gathering of the B. H. Carroll DFW Area Alumni Association was held Thursday, October 10, at the Carroll Hub in Arlington, TX. Twenty nine alumni, family, friends and Carroll staff gathered for fellowship and connecting with one...
Dr. Larry Ashlock Presents Paper at Regional Conference on Ethics in Leadership in the Republic of Georgia
The Carroll flag has been spotted in the Republic of Georgia! Dr. Larry Ashlock, Fellow and Director of the DMin Program at Carroll Institute, was invited by representatives from the State Department in the US Embassy in the city of...
Fall Colloquy “Walking With God in Worship and Life
Dr. Gerald Borchert is Senior Professor at Carson—Newman College and Emeritus Thesis Director at the Robert Webber Institute for Worship Studies. He is a Canadian lawyer who holds a Princeton Ph.D. in New Testament and did post-doctoral...
Dr. Bill Bryan, Resident Fellow, Teaches at St. Petersburg, Russia
Dr. Bill Bryan accompanied by his wife Deborah spent two weeks in residence at St. Petersburg Evangelical Theological Academy. The first week, Dr. Bryan led twelve master's students in a study of Old Testament Theology. The following...
Dr. Gene Wilkes, Carroll VP of Advancement, Speaks at Leadership Conference in Greece
Dr. Gene Wilkes recently made a trip to Greece to speak at a leadership development conference for a US-based NGO made up of charity and business leaders who live and work in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. He encouraged and...
Ayanwande Ayandokun Hooded In Special Ceremony
The Ayandokun family of renowned Nigerian drummers is sounding rhythms of joy at the accomplishments of its son, Ayanwande Ayanlade Ayandokun, who was awarded his PhD from B. H. Carroll Theological Institute in a special hooding ceremony...
Counseling Program Graduate passes National Counselor Examination
Carroll Institute graduated its first group of students in the Master of Arts in Counseling degree program on May 21, 2013. One of the graduates, Donna Jordan, went on to pass the National Counselor Examination. Passing the exam is a key...