Your path.
B.H. Carroll is a graduate-level seminary equipping missional leaders for the diverse and global ministries of Christ’s church. Carroll creates an accessible learning environment which enables students to earn their degrees where they live, work, and serve.
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His kingdom.
Carroll Seminary operated as an independent seminary, unaffiliated or attached to any one denomination or church organization for its first twenty years. In October 2024, the Seminary merged operations with East Texas Baptist University. The theological beliefs and perspectives of B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary are based solely on the Bible and align with the doctrinal position of the University.

The B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary is dedicated to providing the highest academic standard when it comes to the curriculum for our programs. We offer the following degrees.

Flexible degrees
B. H. Carroll offers online degrees so you can earn your degree where you are, and on your own time.

Carroll Organizations
The Carroll family believes that as brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called to lift one another up in prayer and support. B. H. Carroll is happy to partner with a variety of organizations in the work for His kingdom.

Carroll is on a mission to equip men and women called to serve Christ in the diverse and global ministries of his church. There are many ways to get involved and support B. H. Carroll.
Blog & News
Book Recommendation: Exegeting Orality by Nick Acker, PhD
In his most recent book, Exegeting Orality, Dr. Nick Acker reminds us that the Bible is not just a text to be studied but a record of voices from the past who performed our definitive stories.
Carlos Pacheco-Collado, Faculty Spotlight
Carlos is a B. H. Carroll Faculty member for our Hispanic Theological Education Program.
Ricardo Brambila, Alumni Spotlight
Ricardo Brambila is a B. H. Carroll 2024 Doctorate of Ministry graduate.
Classes end – Paschal 2024-25
on Mar 2
Spring / Semester Break – Spring 2024-25
on Mar 3
Classes begin – Omega 2024-25
on Mar 9
Registration closes – Omega 2024-25
on Mar 9
Classes begin – Omega 2024-25
on Mar 9
Last day to add class – Omega 2024-25
on Mar 16