Mayme Jarrett Library at East Texas Baptist University

Since agreeing to merge in 2023, the library services of B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary have been assumed by the Mayme Jarrett Library at East Texas Baptist University. All B. H. Carroll students have access to the full complement of resources available through the University’s holdings, including its digital research services.

Mission and Vision of the Jarrett Library

Connecting scholars with information in the quest for knowledge.

The mission of Jarrett Library is to offer quality library services by providing collections, services, spaces, and information literacy instruction to the students, faculty, and staff of East Texas Baptist University.

Library Goals

The Jarrett Library at East Texas Baptist University provides services which meet the “informational and research needs” of the Seminary’s “students, faculty and mission partners,” and to serve the Seminary in a way which results in the “development and strengthening of ministerial and academic excellence” in those stakeholders. In other words, the library aims at growth to competence in utilizing provided information resources. This outcome is best seen in students who complete their courses of study with excellence.

Quick Links


For a specific list of library hours, please click here.

The Jarrett Library has made a specific employee dedicated to assisting B. H. Carroll students in the research process. To contact this librarian, click below.

B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary is a trailblazer in the area of theological education, using technology and the local church to enrich the ministry practice of its students. Through the formation of collaborative communities of learning, Carroll nurtures the souls and sharpens the minds of both faculty and students alike.

Carroll Theological Seminary is not only a superb theological education (and it is that)—but it is also an immersion into Christian ministry. Jesus said, “As you go, become disciple-makers” (Matt. 28: 19-20). Carroll is about developing the best “disciple-makers” possible.