Meet Our DMin Faculty

We recently introduced two professors who help our DMin students start on the right foot, addressing doctoral reading, writing, and research—two classes that help students find success.

After the first semester, the DMin degree plan paces students through several classes that address B. H. Carroll’s core clusters, utilizing advanced seminars in Theological Integration, Leadership Effectiveness, and Spiritual Formation.

Dr. Danny Howe teaches Advanced Theological Integration.  He pastored for over forty years, including 30 years at First Baptist Church, Saginaw, Texas.  Additional service included board leadership for the Baptist General Convention of Texas, the Baptist Standard, Tarrant Baptist Association, Riverbend Retreat Center, and Community Link (a benevolence center he helped to establish in Saginaw).  Dr. How has taught several seminars as a Resident Fellow at Carroll since 2016.

Dr. C. Gene Wilkes, the president of B. H. Carroll and author of Jesus on Leadership: Timeless Wisdom on Servant Leadership, provided the original design and instruction for the Advanced Leadership Effectiveness seminar.  Subsequently, the course was enthusiastically turned over to Carroll, Ph.D. (Leadership and Missions) graduate Scott Whitson. He is steeped in academia and expertise with three previous master’s degrees: MDiv, MARE, and MAMFC.  Since 2010, he has been the Executive Director of the Southwest Metroplex Baptist Association (SMBA) in Alvarado, Texas.  The SMBA “seeks to strengthen and plant churches . . . to provide . . . leadership development, mission opportunities, and relevant community ministries.”

The final core cluster seminar is Advanced Spiritual Formation.  Dr. Gordon T. Smith serves as the professor of this course.  Dr. Smith is ordained in the Christian and Missionary Alliance.  He serves as the president of Ambrose University and Seminary in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, where he teaches Systematic and Spiritual Theology.  With over a dozen published books, his most recent is, Your Calling Here and Now: Making Sense of Vocation.  The seminar equips the students to cultivate a vision for their spiritual practices and life and then provides the people in their ministries to maintain a vital and maturing faith.

These professors exemplify the balance that qualifies them to lead seminars that combine theological reflection and critical theological analysis in a practical doctoral degree—faith and praxis—called the Doctor of Ministry.  B. H. Carroll is blessed to have each of them in their professorial roles.  For more information, please get in touch with us today.

Published: Oct 21, 2022


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