by B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary | Jun 13, 2022 | News & Events
(June 13, 2022) — IRVING, TX The Marsh Center for Chaplain Studies, a chaplain-focused endeavor of B. H. Carroll Theological Institute, proudly releases The Heart of a Chaplain: Exploring Essentials for Ministry—a much-needed and comprehensive 376-page book on...
by B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary | Feb 17, 2022 | News & Events
IRVING, Texas (Feb. 17, 2022)—In a climate of razor-thin margins and increased costs, many organizations are tempted to see their chaplains as expendable. That is a mistake, according to Dr. Jim Browning, a retired U.S. Air Force chaplain and director of the Marsh...
by Dr. Jim Browning | Jul 31, 2020 | Faith & Heritage, Ministry, News & Events>Marsh Center News
Quos repellat id culpa eius impedit. Ab eos ut labore labore sapiente. Quo eos nobis corporis eligendi mollitia Officiis earum nobis nam tenetur unde enim. Eaque neque incidunt neque quaerat. Nihil placeat voluptates animi voluptatem. Sunt impedit ut animi aliquid et....
by Dr. Jim Browning | Apr 25, 2020 | News & Events>Marsh Center News
Quos repellat id culpa eius impedit. Ab eos ut labore labore sapiente. Quo eos nobis corporis eligendi mollitia Officiis earum nobis nam tenetur unde enim. Eaque neque incidunt neque quaerat. Nihil placeat voluptates animi voluptatem. Sunt impedit ut animi aliquid et....