There’s an old saying about news, but we don’t believe it. “No news is bad news.” So we want to keep you informed about what is going on at B.H. Carroll. Below you’ll find the latest happenings. If you have a news tip about a B.H. Carroll faculty member, donor, alumnus or alumna, please let us know. We want to tell the world about what our students, donors, and professors are doing.
B. H. Carroll and Hurricane Harvey Relief
The damage and flooding by Hurricane Harvey took their toll on some of those in the B. H. Carroll family. B. H. Carroll responded to some of these needs by setting aside ten percent of the monies given on September...
David M. Smith, Long-time Governor and Supporter of Carroll, Passes Away
Carroll Institute has lost a dear friend and supporter of the Institute, David Smith. David was born in El Paso, Texas on June 7, 1932 and died in Houston, Texas on Sunday morning, November 19, 2017 at the age of 85. He was Chairman...
“No Need Among You” Conference Focuses on Needs Following Hurricane Harvey
Discover insights from the No Need Among You Conference 2017, covering topics like racial reconciliation, addiction care, and biblical foundations for community development.
Carroll Institute Welcomes a New Member to the Administrative Staff
Seth Allen was added to B. H. Carroll Theological Institute’s staff this fall as the institute’s Director of Online Instruction. Seth lives in Knoxville, TN and will train faculty remotely to use technological tools and adopt...
Registration for Frank & Pauline Patterson Fall Colloquy 2017 Now Open
B. H. Carroll Theological Institute is pleased to announce that Rev. Dr. Stephen Holmes will be the featured speaker for the Frank and Pauline Patterson Fall Colloquy to be held November 13-14 at the Carroll Center. Stephen Holmes is a...
Frank & Pauline Patterson Fall Colloquy with British Baptist Theologian Stephen R. Holmes
B. H. Carroll Theological Institute is pleased to announce that Rev. Dr. Stephen Holmes will be the featured speaker for the Frank and Pauline Patterson Fall Colloquy to be held November 13-14 at the Carroll Center. Stephen Holmes is a...
Carroll Institute Welcomes New Administrative Faculty Member
Carroll Institute has recently welcomed a new member to its administrative faculty. Dr. Joseph Cathey has been named as Fellow in Scripture and Witness and Associate Professor of Biblical languages and literature. He will also serve as...
Dr. Bruce Corley Retires from B. H. Carroll Theological Institute
Dr. Bruce Corley, former president of B. H. Carroll Theological Institute and Professor of New Testament and Greek, retired June 30 as Senior Fellow of Scripture and Witness. President Gene Wilkes commented, “Dr. Corley...