
Weighing in on faith and life.

B.H. Carroll faculty members, students, and those who support its mission desire to create dialog and stoke critical thinking about important topics which relate to faith and life in this world. Below are posts from diverse authors, whose views contribute to the ongoing discussion of these areas. The positions of the authors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of B.H. Carroll Theological Seminary, its faculty, and its governors.

Carroll Midland Gathering

Carroll Midland Gathering

Dr. Bruce Corley, Senior Fellow, and Gene Wilkes, President, met with church leaders, Carroll students, professors and partners in ministry on Wednesday, May 11 in Midland, TX. Twenty-two attended the informational luncheon where Drs....

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An Alternate Story

An Alternate Story

Until this week, I hadn’t really thought of it this way.  As part of a vision strategy time, I encourage others to imagine the world if what they had on their heart (their vision) didn’t come to pass.  For me, that would be imagining...

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When God Points Somewhere Else

When God Points Somewhere Else

WHEN GOD POINTS SOMEWHERE ELSE I hate it when my plans get changed. I can be a little pigheaded about it. The other day, my wife and I were headed to a larger town 45 minutes away for a date together, and we were rushing to get there in...

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Teaching Giving In A Church Plant

Teaching Giving In A Church Plant

Your church budget starts at the same place your church attendance does at a new church plant.  Not zero but close.  For instance, we started with 5 people (one was me and the other four had my last name).  So, our attendance was 5 and...

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Praying Scripture

Praying Scripture

Praying Scripture I have heard that an effective prayer is born in heaven, passes through our hearts, between our lips, and goes back to heaven. We want to pray for the things that God desires to do and for the people and causes he loves...

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How to Get from Scripture to the World

How to Get from Scripture to the World

Lighting a Flame               The first serious Christian book I ever read was John Stott’s The Contemporary Christian.  In it, Stott argued that Christians had a responsibility to bridge the gap between the Word of God and the...

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Carroll supporters

Carroll supporters

I recently read Wright Thompson’s ESPN article, “The Secret History of Tiger Woods.” It is a tragic story of a man who lost his way after the death of his friend and father, Earl Woods. What saddens me the most about his story...

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