I recently read Wright Thompson’s ESPN article, “The Secret History of Tiger Woods.” It is a tragic story of a man who lost his way after the death of his friend and father, Earl Woods. What saddens me the most about his story is that while he ruled the headlines and golfing world, he awkwardly lived life alone. His friend, Michael Jordan, worried aloud about him in the article,
To live on the biggest stage imaginable and to be at the end of your career without a companion you can trust is a tragic reality for anyone, especially someone so well known and so successful in the world’s eyes.
The Bible reminds us “two is better than one,…but pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”(Ecclesiastes 4:10) I am grateful that I have those around me those who make my life and ministry better and stronger.
Two of those groups have proven to be those you and I can trust in our lives and shared ministry. The first is our faculty and staff. We hosted a six-member team from the Association of Biblical Higher Education April 4-6 at the Carroll Center. The faculty and staff were gracious hosts as well as competent participants in the interviews by the team. Faculty, administrators, and Governors shared their work and answered questions by the team. We do not have the final report, but we know we comply with all Standards of Accreditation with few and non-major recommendations for improvement. You can trust these who serve to do the quality work of theological education according to accreditation standards of the highest order.
The second group to which I owe gratitude and trust is our Board of Governors. Few schools have the quality of people who make up our Board. They met on Tuesday, April 26, and conducted the business of ensuring we effectively complete our mission and vision. They formed working committees in order to share the load of governance, reviewed the work of the Institute, adopted our 2016-17 operating budget, and adopted plans to begin a “friend-raising” campaign this year to grow the number of supporters of Carroll. I could not do the work of President without the trust I have in these men and women who share God’s call on our lives. And, yes, we can even have fun together.

Drs. Gene Wilkes, Bruce Corley, Richard Jackson, and Russell H. Dilday at the Texas Baptist Golf Classic in Dallas along with 230 of our closest Texas Baptist friends.
May the Lord continue to bless Carroll Institute with men and women whom we can trust and serve alongside until He returns or calls us home.
Serving with you,