One can do much. Many can do more. North Texas Giving Day 2021.

Each year B. H. Carroll Theological Institute participates in North Texas Giving Day, an annual ingathering of charitable gifts to help fund the many thousands of nonprofits in North Texas—of which we are one. This year’s special day is September 23.

I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider how you can support B. H. Carroll on North Texas Giving Day, but as the day draws closer I hope we can rely on you also to share about the giving campaign on your own social media page(s) and invite others to participate. This year, we’re asking Carroll supporters to form “Carroll Giving Teams” that will consider setting team giving goals and also share (and share again) about Carroll’s needs. 

Here’s how a Carroll Giving Team works:

  • Dr. Wilkes, who believes in the mission of Carroll, commits his financial support and sets a personal giving goal. 
  • Dr. Wilkes then asks four to six friends to participate by forming a Carroll Giving Team for B.H. Carroll.
  • Each of Dr. Wilkes’ friends also ask 4-6 other individuals to participate. 
  • Dr. Wilkes shares social media posts about North Texas Giving Day, and his team members then share the posts on their social media pages; their friends do the same.

It’s no secret B. H. Carroll has offered and will continue to offer accredited theological education which is affordable, accessible and achievable, and we offer it where students live, work, and serve. In fact, our costs for the students who will go out and serve in the diverse and global ministries of Christ’s church are kept low by the generous support of Carroll’s donors and our supporting churches.

Start Your Team Now

Will you please consider leading a Carroll Giving Team this year? Would you also consider sharing the vision of B. H. Carroll with your friends and family via social media? One can do much. Many can do more. Together I believe we can all make an eternal impact with our giving.

Serving Him with You,
Dr. Gene Wilkes

Gene Wilkes

Published: Aug 5, 2021


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