B.H. Carroll Theological Institute’s Frank and Pauline Patterson Spring Colloquy: Living Truth in a Cheap Talk World

IRVING, Texas (April 8, 2021) – B.H. Carroll Theological Institute’s Frank and Pauline Patterson Spring Colloquy, a scholarly gathering of students and faculty for theological discussion, will take place May 24-26.

With modified COVID protocols still in place in Dallas County, the meeting will again be virtual. 

Dr. Louise Kretzschmar, professor of theological ethics at the University of South Africa, will be the keynote speaker. She will speak on “Living Truth in a Cheap Talk World.” 

Known for her significant contributions to academic journals and book chapters on African Christianity and Baptists’ work in South Africa, Kretzschmar is past vice-president of the Commission on Christian Ethics for the Baptist World Alliance. She is also author or editor of seven books on expressions of Christian ethics and evangelical Christianity in South Africa.

Kretzschmar holds a Ph.D. in Christian Studies from the University of Cape Town and an M.Phil. in Theology from the University of Cambridge. She writes and speaks often on the interface between Christian Ethics and spiritual formation, as well as on the subject of women, society, and the church. 

To register, go to https://events.bhcarroll.edu/colloquy/2021-spring/.

Published: Apr 8, 2021


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