B. H. Carroll makes adjustments to deal with COVID-19 pandemic

IRVING, Texas (March 17, 2020) – As the spread of COVID-19 continues, B. H. Carroll Theological Institute’s top priority is the health and safety of its students, faculty, staff and our church communities.

Because of the rapidly changing situation and the evolving government response to “flatten the curve” of the number of people infected, we will keep all of our stakeholders apprised of any changes to our normal operating procedures.

B. H. Carroll’s founders had the foresight to construct a system of theological education which relied on online delivery, so we do not expect the disruption other schools and seminaries have experienced. The Carroll Center will remain open (though with a limited staff), and faculty and staff have been informed they may work from home at their discretion.

All outside group meetings scheduled to meet at the Carroll Center, however, have been canceled through Holy Week (ending April 10), after which time the administration will reassess how to move forward.

Students and employees should monitor their email regularly for updates. In the meantime, B. H. Carroll administrators encourage its faculty, staff, students, and associated churches to follow the recommendations of the U.S. Center for Disease Control and statecounty and local guidelines.

Published: Mar 17, 2020


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