B. H. Carroll in first partnership with church in Germany

IRVING, Texas (February 4, 2019) — The B. H. Carroll Theological Institute in Irving, Texas, has established its first educational partnership with a teaching church in Landstuhl, Germany, the Institute’s president announced February 4.

Gene Wilkes said the Institute has joined with Waypoint Christian Church to offer seminary courses. The church is affiliated with the International Baptist Convention, a fellowship of 64 churches in 24 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Central and South America. Waypoint Christian serves both German nationals and members of the U.S. Armed Forces stationed there. 

“God has opened a door for us to be of service to this church and the larger body of Christ through the offering of theological education in Europe,” Wilkes said. “We look forward to seeing how we can grow the ministry of this teaching church, to equip its leaders and lay people for ministry in their context, and to help them create more disciples of Jesus Christ.” 

B. H. Carroll continues to grow its network of international teaching churches. It offers courses of study leading to diplomas, master’s degrees and doctoral degrees in three countries in Asia and one in Latin America. The step into Europe is significant, Wilkes said.

“When B. H. Carroll started, the vision was to offer seminary education where the students were, not to have them come 7,000 or 8,000 miles to learn how to build a church, make disciples and serve others,” Wilkes said. “This is the model of the early church, by the way, where theological education was provided locally to cultivate godly leaders.”

Michael Walk, teaching pastor of Waypoint Christian Church, said he was interested in the partnership with Carroll when he first heard about the teaching church model a few years ago. Wilkes was then speaking at a conference in Europe, he said.

“I thought at the time that it could be strategic to start that here where we have so many churches that could tap into this resource,” said Walk. “For me, it only made sense in regards to being able to provide an excellent platform for so many to be able to access. It is a great resource for those in the congregation that might be thinking about starting seminary, as well as the congregant who just wants to go deeper in their understanding of God’s Word.”

Published: Feb 4, 2020


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