We are so thankful for each and every supporter

Thank you

We are so thankful for each and every supporter who helped.

David Chisum  • Towery Family Charitable Fund  • Edwin Jones  • Leach Family Trust  • Walmart Foundation  • Ryan Duffie  • J Gregory Boyd • Jerry & Colby Stanley  • Neal Knighton  • Kleber Miller  • Bitting Charitable Fund  • Kim LeMay  • Fredna Kennimer  • Scarborough Foreman  • Adlin Cotto  • Fred Koelewyn  • Kerri & Bill (William) Ingham  • Jimmie Nelson  • Larry Standridge  • Neal Knighton  • Karl Fickling  • Carol Ray • Charles Ministries  • Thomas Hill  • Debra Holder  • Mickey and Linda Eddins  • First Baptist Church Lewisville  • Scotty Gray  • Stan Moore  • Mary Moore  • Haltom Road Baptist Church  • William Fisher  • James Holcomb  • Joseph Cathey  • Garland (Tommy) Vaughn  • Joan Osborn  • Margaret Estep • Gene Wilkes  • First Baptist Church Arlington  • First Baptist Church La Feria  • Robby Timmons  • David Strawn  • Karen Bullock  • Donald Day  • James Williams  • Lily Wong  • Georgia Stegall  • Mary Pencis  • Milton Lites  • Legacy Church  • Sharon Gresham • Margaret Estep  • John E. & Fran Wilson  • Dick Ellis  • Northside Baptist Church  • Margie Clayton • Rufus Roberts • Gerald & Celia Marsh  • Jan Curtiss  • Edgar Schollmaier  • Dick Ellis  • Wesley Smith  • Isabel Holmes  • Carl Heath  • Ben Sinclair  • Shane Bender  • Rufus Roberts  • Frankye McHan  • Phyllis Johnson  • Isabel Holmes  • Shannon Wolf  • Nancy & Robert Burford  • Sidney Achee  • Michelle Martin

B. H. Carroll’s year-end campaign totals are in. We are so thankful for each and every supporter who helped us raise $207,485. You exemplify 2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Published: Jan 23, 2020


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