God Wastes Nothing!

God wastes nothing. I know that to be true but sometimes it is hindsight that enforces that point in my life. How about you?

Stand firm and don’t be shaken. Always keep busy working for the Lord. You know that everything you do for Him is worthwhile. 1 Corinthians 15:58

A great example of this came rushing into my mind last night about 11pm. On this particular Sunday, I had driven just over 600 miles and still had about 80 miles to go before I saw the lights of home. I had left at 6am to get to my first church worship service of the day in time. It was a glorious time that ended in a fellowship meal about half an hour away. Then, after picking up a worship leader, my family drove another couple of hours to a second worship venue (at a new church plant) where we joined in their Thanksgiving worship and fellowship time. Afterwards, we rushed another hour to a collegiate church where we had communion with a group of college students and worshipped our King together. 3 hours later I was dropping off our worship leader and then heading home. It was then that it dawned on me…

Back in 2006, shortly after the birth of our youngest daughter, Eve and I had committed our lives to serve the Lord in ministry. Unsure of what steps to take, I began to write. The fruit of that exercise was a little letter entitled ‘Have Bible, Will Travel’.

Not only is everything you do for the Lord worthwhile, it is a fresh reminder that He is at work in every part of you whether you know it or not. When I penned that clever title (so I thought) 13 years ago I could have never imagined that God would stretch me to the point of ministering the way I get to on a near-weekly basis. If I had tried to imagine it I would have found a corner to curl up into a little ball. God wastes nothing. Not even the writing from the heart of an inexperienced ministry leader with hopes to travel and share His Word.

What is keeping you busy? Is it busy ‘working for the Lord’? Do you believe that everything, yes EVERYTHING, you do for Him is worthwhile? Today, stand firm and don’t be shaken. Work diligently for the Lord and He will make all of it worthwhile!

Published: Nov 26, 2019


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