Carroll Institute Announces New Course

New Course on Interim Pastoral Ministry starting in Omega

“The Interim Pastor” will be offered online during the upcoming Omega Term (13 March-12 May 2017).

The new course introduces students to the practice and tenets of interim ministry with applications that can also be applied in a broader pastoral ministry setting. An interim pastor’s practices and lifestyle are covered as well as the best practices that churches can use during the interim time as they seek a new pastor. A major emphasis is given to critical church issues that need addressing before a new pastor is called, and possible methodologies are discussed for addressing those issues.

I wish I had learned some of this before I started my ministry. It would have saved me some hard knocks.

This two-unit course can be used as an elective in most of Carroll Institute’s master degree programs, particularly the MDiv, MAR, and MAT, as well as in the diploma programs.

This course will be taught by Dr. Karl Fickling, the Coordinator of Interim Church Services of the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT). Successful completion of the course fulfills the prerequisite which allows students to apply for the Intentional Interim Ministry Training at the BGCT and subsequently apply for membership in the BGCT’s professional network of interim pastors.

Karl Fickling

Karl Fickling, PhD,

has experience as a pastoral counselor, chaplain, pastor, and professor. Since 1999, he has served as an interim pastor specialist. This ministry has included leading eight churches through the Intentional Interim Ministry processes, training interim pastors, and twelve years of leading the office of Interim Church Services for the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

Published: Feb 10, 2017


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