Global Nexus Newspoints – December 2016

From the President, Senior Fellows, Fellows, and Administrative Staff of B. H. Carroll Theological Institute

May you be blessed by the wonders of Christ during this Christmas Season. May His love and grace be with you throughout the coming New Year.

We are grateful for your prayers and support of Carroll’s mission to equip missional leaders.

There’s still time to give a Carroll Christmas Gift


Registration for Spring/Paschal Term 2017 opened on December 9 and will close January 8 at 5:00 p.m.

Amazon Smile

Don’t forget! When you do your holiday shopping at AmazonSmile, Amazon will make a donation of 0.5% of the purchase price to B. H. Carroll Theological Institute.

Ministry Opportunities

If you know of ministry positions available to share with the Carroll Institute community, or if you are a student looking for a place to serve, contact or send resumes to:

Important Dates

December 16 – January 1

Carroll Institute office is closed

January 8

Registration closes

January 9

Paschal Term Classes begin

January 16

Last day to add a class for Paschal Term

February 1

Application Deadline for May 2017 graduation

February 13

Registration opens for Omega Term

March 5

Spring Break (Mar 5-12)

April 9

Holy Week Break (Apr 9-16)

Interfaith Seminarian Retreat Open to Carroll Students

COSTS (Council of Southwestern Theological Schools of which Carroll Institute is a member)
in conjunction with the Multicultural Alliance sponsors a Seminary Interfaith Retreat every January. Two master’s level students from Carroll are eligible to attend. The retreat is an interfaith experience for those who are interested in communication and dialog with professors and mentors from Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities in order to have a greater understanding of these faiths. If you are interested in attending the retreat or knowing more about it, contact Dr. Stan Moore. To read about last January’s Interfaith Seminarian Retreat, click here.

Published: Dec 23, 2016


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