A Carroll Christmas Gift

Christmas is here!

For Christians around the world this is a season of giving. As followers of Jesus we give because our actions reflect God’s gift of love, his Son, Jesus. As you give gifts to demonstrate God’s love this Christmas, what about giving a gift that… invests in people and projects that yield eternal value helps to equip the next generation of church leaders where they live and serve helps Christians around the world carry out the Great Commission. A Carroll Christmas Gift will do all of those things.

Give a Gift

A Carroll Christmas Gift

Help Scholarship a Global Student
We are able to give a 100% tuition scholarship to our global students in China, Russia, Cuba, and Vietnam because of gifts from churches and individuals.

Help build our digital Library
Your gift will provide the funds we need to build our global digital library, which makes learning resources available 24/7-365 to our faculty and students.

You can give easily and directly to the seminary online by going to the link to A Carroll Christmas Gift.

Please note that to qualify as a 2016 tax deductible contribution, year-end gifts must be processed or post-marked on or before December 31. Any contribution bearing a January postmark will be considered a 2017 contribution.
Gifts to Carroll Institute may also be made directly online. Simply click here and choose any of the options.
Published: Dec 11, 2016


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