Pastoral Ethics and Contemporary Health Care

Pastoral Ethics and Contemporary Health Care

B. H. Carroll Theological Institute announces the formation of a new Doctor of Ministry Degree Program cohort in Pastoral Ethics and Contemporary Health Care to begin in January 2016. Carroll’s D.Min. program provides a fully accredited degree through the Association of Biblical Higher Education that incorporates both online and residential learning encounters. Students participate in online seminars termed Round Tables and attend two one-week intensives annually (Fall and Spring).

The Pastoral Ethics and Contemporary Health Care concentration prepares pastors, pastoral caregivers, and hospital chaplains to minister effectively in an ever-changing contemporary health care environment. This program of study is cohort-based and features one-week intensives to be held at the mid-point of the fall and spring semesters. Seminars will be co-delivered by B. H. Carroll Senior Fellows and Fellows and leading practitioners in the field of bioethics.

Round Table Seminars
First Year
Round Table Seminars
Second Year
Fall Spring Fall Spring
Foundations: Bioethics, Pastoral Care, and Sickness and Suffering Pastoral Ethics in Contemporary Clinical Context Global Perspectives on Justice and Health Care Current Issues: Pastoral Care across the Health Care Continuum

The concentration of four courses would fulfill the Round Table seminar requirements for year’s 1-2.

Foundations: Bioethics, Pastoral Care, and Sickness and Suffering

The seminar explores the biblical, theological, and historical foundations of sickness and suffering from within the contemporary bioethical milieu. Focus will be given to an application of Christian understandings of health and health care and pastoral care in the contemporary health care setting. [2 Units]

Pastoral Ethics in Contemporary Clinical Context

The seminar will explore ways to apply holistic patient care across the clinical-ethical spectrum. Focus will be given to: the hospital unit, ethics committees and consults, and laws that impact patients, families, and their health care. Praxis: Some clinical interaction will be included. [2 Units]

Global Perspectives on Justice and Health Care

The seminar will examine the application of Christian social justice across a broad range of global contemporary health care issues that include: international human rights and health care, epidemics and pandemics, and clean water, hunger, and disease. [2 Units]

Current Issues: Pastoral Care Across the Health Care Continuum

The seminar will examine the application of a pastoral care model to a variety of current health care issues. Issues will include: the unborn, illness, disease and catastrophe, and end-of-life concerns. [2 Units]

All interested applicants in Pastoral Ethics and Contemporary Health Care, or any other DMIN major, are encouraged to take advantage Carroll’s Fall enrollment period that is now open.

Apply Now

Published: Jun 15, 2015


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