Drop In or Contact Us When You Are Near

Feel free to drop in or contact us when you are in the area

Try moving into a new home, hosting fifty plus guests while the movers are still delivering your furniture, inviting your friends over to see your new house one day after all the furniture is in, and the following day pulling off graduation for your child’s entire school. Sounds impossible? Well that basically was our story in the last two weeks in May at Carroll. The convergence of our move to the Carroll Center, Spring Colloquy, Open House, and Convocation happened the week of May 18-22. While the work was hard and the schedule overwhelming at times, the people we served and celebrated with were worth it all.


Carroll is about the people we serve and those with whom we serve. From our faculty and staff who worked beyond their job descriptions and typical hours to our friends who drove through the rain to celebrate our new facility and graduation with us, we could not do what we do without them. No viable movement can thrive without the people who are in that movement. Carroll is no different, and I am grateful to the Lord for those He has led our way.

This year’s President Award went to John and Ruth Wilkerson of Lubbock, TX. John was instrumental in helping us purchase and furnish the Carroll Center. His persistent, seasoned direction and generosity made a very complex process come together in a timely manner. I am grateful to John and Ruth for investing their time, talents and treasure in the people and projects of Carroll that yield eternal value.

If you have not been by the Carroll Center, feel free to drop in or contact us when you are in the area. We’d love to show off what God has done to provide a new home for our shared global mission. Look for invitations to Pastor’s luncheons, coffees, round table discussions and our semi-annual Colloquies that will be held at the Center.

When Paul wrote his friends in Corinth, asking them to participate in the collection for Christians in Jerusalem, he observed, “For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:12; ESV) Carroll’s “ministry of service” to equip church leaders likewise is not only for supplying the needs of our students and churches, but this ministry brings an overflow of thanksgivings to God for His gracious love toward us.

Please join us in this ministry of service through your prayers and financial support. The result will be changed lives and thanksgivings to God.

Serving with you,

Published: May 25, 2015


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