From the President: A Biblical Perspective on Success

What is success from a biblical perspective?

I recently spoke at a conference of Texas Baptist Educators , and I ended my talks on the topic of success. We all live with self-imposed, externally imposed or embraced metrics of success. Some of us are more success-oriented while others live without care of such measures. What is success from a biblical perspective? I believe these three concepts are the measure of biblical success: faithfulness, fruitfulness, and finishing well. 

Jesus told the story of the faithful servant in the parable of the talents who doubled his master’s holdings. “Well done, good and faithful servant,” (John 25:21) was the accolade of the master who rejoiced in the servant’s faithful service of stewardship with his money while he was away. Jesus also taught his disciples that the way we glorify God, the Father, is that we “bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” (John 15:8) Fruit bearing is evidence of a abiding and living relationship with Jesus. Finally, Paul, the Apostle, gives us the measure of finishing well when he confessed to his apprentice, Timothy, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7) Through the struggle of ministry, the “servant of the Lord Jesus Christ” finished the course and always trusted the One who called him no matter the circumstances.

My prayer is that as we complete the mission of Carroll, we would be found faithful, fruitful and finishing well in the eyes of the Lord. May you experience the same success in your ministry.

Pray for our Board of Governors who will meet Tuesday, April 28, for a time of fellowship and conducting the business of the Institute. We are in exciting days of expansion and growth. With such a season come challenges and opportunities that stretch our resources and staff. Pray for wisdom and discernment for those who invest in our shared mission and vision. We will share a report of their meeting in our next newsletter.

We are moved into our new home in Irving! You can tell by the photos that we are not unpacked completely and there are still some build out items to finish. We hope to be fully operational sometime during the first week of May. Mark the week of May 18, the week of our Spring Colloquy and Convocation, as our Grand Opening. We will post a schedule of times you can drop by to see us. We will host different groups of our alumni, donors, and Teaching Church partners at the Carroll Center in the weeks to come. (See the change of address and new phone numbers in this newsletter.) If you would like to donate to our new home in general or specific ways, you can give here. 

Change of address

B.H. Carroll Institute

6500 N Belt Line Rd, Suite 100
Irving,TX 75063-6056

(972) 580-7600
(972) 756-0600
(844) 551-7600


Serving with you,

Published: Apr 28, 2015


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