Team from Carroll Institute Travels to Cuba for Week of Seminars

Dr. Gene Wilkes traveled with Dr. Adlin Cotto and her husband, Roberto, to Camagüey, Cuba, to teach and mentor the second cohort of students who are completing their Masters of Arts in Theology degree. B. H. Carroll Theological Institute has served in Cuba for over seven years, equipping men and women called to serve Christ in the diverse and global ministries of His church. The team departed on Friday, November 1, and returned Thursday morning, November 7.  A missed flight from Cuba to Miami delayed their arrival in DFW by one day, but the trip mostly went as planned with no injuries and little illness.

Eighteen students who serve as pastors, teachers, and church leaders from all parts of Cuba gathered at Primera Iglesia Bautista de la Camagüey for two-and-a-half days of instruction. Dr. Wilkes taught Biblical Preaching, while Dr. Cotto, Carroll’s Coordinator of Master’s work in Cuba, interpreted and administered the course. The course materials and textbook were translated and available to the students in Spanish. All of their work is done in Spanish, and Dr. Cotto reads and grades all of the work. The next step toward graduation is to write a thesis for completion of the degree. Graduation is tentatively set for June of 2014.

On Sunday, November 3, the trio attended the worship services of Primera Iglesia, one of Carroll’s Teaching Churches on the island, and Dr. Wilkes preached that morning on Philippians 4:10-13. The congregation did not have a need to learn how to be content whatever the circumstances—they are a model of that attribute—but Dr. Wilkes encouraged them to remain content in Christ as they lived and served in His name. The team enjoyed the hospitality of Pastor Abel Gámez and his family in their home and at their table along with sharing lunch and dinner each day with the students.

The funds given through the Cuba Campaign prior to the trip provided for the students’ travel, housing, meals, instruction and materials while they attended the seminars. Park Cities Baptist Church, Dallas, TX, continues to provide needed funds to make this program available to the church leaders of Cuba.

Carroll Institute is grateful for those who invested in this trip. If you would like more information about Carroll’s Master’s program in Cuba, contact Carroll through the “contact us” tab on our website

Help provide scholarship funding for more than 60 students in Cuba enrolled in the Master of Arts in Theology degree program.

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Dr. Adlin Cotto and Roberto Cotto in Camaguey, Cuba

Cuban Students in Biblical Preaching class


Published: Nov 11, 2013


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