Steps of Paul Tour, 2020

The down payment needs to be made by mid-September 2019. It is also recommended to purchase airline tickets by this deadline, to secure the best prices.
B.H. Carroll is offering a new elective course being offered March 16-27, 2020. [text about the course itself] In the Steps of Paul tour hosted by Dr. David Strawn, one of our Resident Fellows. President Gene Wilkes will be joining and will be the Professor of Record for the course credit.
In addition, you will receive credit for New Testament II. The full cost of tuition is required to get credit, but interested students may contact the Admissions office if they are serious about making the trip and getting credit.
To view the trip itinerary, click on the image below. For more information about the syllabus, trip costs, and class registration, please contact Dr. David Strawn for more details.
Published: Jan 1, 1970


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