by Patty Parker | Sep 30, 2021 | Faith & Heritage
“It seems to me people tend to forget we are to love our enemies, not to satisfy some standard of righteousness, but because God their Father loves them. I have preached on that a hundred times.” – Reverend John Ames, Gilead There’s a song I recall from...
by Chris Sims | Aug 28, 2019 | Faith & Heritage, Uncategorized
Quos repellat id culpa eius impedit. Ab eos ut labore labore sapiente. Quo eos nobis corporis eligendi mollitia Officiis earum nobis nam tenetur unde enim. Eaque neque incidunt neque quaerat. Nihil placeat voluptates animi voluptatem. Sunt impedit ut animi aliquid et....