There’s an old saying about news, but we don’t believe it. “No news is bad news.” So we want to keep you informed about what is going on at B.H. Carroll. Below you’ll find the latest happenings. If you have a news tip about a B.H. Carroll faculty member, donor, alumnus or alumna, please let us know. We want to tell the world about what our students, donors, and professors are doing.
Thank You!
Thank you again for your generosity and faithful prayers.
You Can Be a Part of What God is Doing
You can be a part of spreading the gospel of Christ around the world.
Fulfilling The Great Commission
Only 22% of U.S. pastors have advanced theological education
Celebration and Anticipation
Christmas is not just about celebration; it is about anticipation.
The Importance of Seminary Education
With the right training, good pilots—our pastors, other ministers, and educated laypersons—will help keep our churches off the shoals and keep our focus on that fixed star, which is Christ our Lord.
Equipping Leaders for Ministry
A story of students impacting the Kingdom of Christ
Supporting those called to teach God’s word
Listen in as Michelle Martin, a Carroll Graduate, shares her experience.
It’s been nearly twenty years
Listen in as Dr. Bruce Corley shares his thoughts this Christmas season.