
Weighing in on faith and life.

B.H. Carroll faculty members, students, and those who support its mission desire to create dialog and stoke critical thinking about important topics which relate to faith and life in this world. Below are posts from diverse authors, whose views contribute to the ongoing discussion of these areas. The positions of the authors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of B.H. Carroll Theological Seminary, its faculty, and its governors.

Love, Obviously

Love, Obviously

It's easy to confuse activity for ministry.  We can be very busy doing various aspects of church work, and yet fail to minister to anyone.  When your church is small, there are only a few people to do this work, and it is easy to focus on...

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The Promise of Taking the Bible Seriously

The Promise of Taking the Bible Seriously

Last week, we discovered that anyone who wants to take the Bible seriously must confront a number of important questions.  We learned that there is a great deal of cultural distance between us and the text, and we learned that the Bible...

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Sent Too Soon or Sent To Slow?

Sent Too Soon or Sent To Slow?

When is a disciple ready to lead in ministry.  When can a person be sent out to plant a church?  We have many metrics and they each serve a purpose (seminary, pastoral experience, a clear call from God, etc.).  This is a question I have...

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The Father Loves Our Stumbling Prayers

The Father Loves Our Stumbling Prayers

The Father Loves Our Stumbling Prayers Prayer is the most important activity of disciples of Jesus Christ. Yet today’s church is bereft of prayer. Why? Do we feel we don’t know a formula that will get us success with God? Do we fear we...

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The Challenge of Taking the Bible Seriously

The Challenge of Taking the Bible Seriously

Several weeks ago, Rodney Reeves—dean of Southwest Baptist University’s Courts Redford College of Theology and Ministry and author of the forthcoming Story of God Bible Commentary on Matthew—published a blog in which he lamented the...

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Love Your City

Love Your City

This week we have a guest post in The Adventures in Church Planting series as Planter/Pastor Chris Sims shares his weekly spot with Pastor/Planter Danny Smith. Chris & Danny are members of the Wyoming Church Planters Network but I...

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This past weekend, our church held a homecoming service.  We invited dozens of members and former members who had once called Stephens home but had since moved off.  When we first started preparing for the weekend, I wondered how many...

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No Stereotypes in Church Planting

No Stereotypes in Church Planting

We tend to dream big as Church Planters.  We set out with a goal to change the world beginning in our city.  We want everyone to get saved.  We want to reach thousands with the Gospel.  I get excited just typing it. Over time, we can...

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Praying Remember the Big Picture

Praying Remember the Big Picture

Praying Remember the Big Picture Often our prayer times are rushed and self-focused. “Bless me,” is about all it boils down to. Even when we pray for others, it is usually for the significant others in our lives with whose well-being we...

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Christian Eschatology and Discipleship

Christian Eschatology and Discipleship

Christian Eschatology and Discipleship   From Theological Reflection to Practical Life               Over the last couple of weeks, I have described the Christian vision of things to come in terms of the healing that it will bring to...

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