
Weighing in on faith and life.

B.H. Carroll faculty members, students, and those who support its mission desire to create dialog and stoke critical thinking about important topics which relate to faith and life in this world. Below are posts from diverse authors, whose views contribute to the ongoing discussion of these areas. The positions of the authors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of B.H. Carroll Theological Seminary, its faculty, and its governors.

Five Things That God Reveals About Himself

Five Things That God Reveals About Himself

Last week, we talked about three misconceptions that people often have about God. We said that seeing God as a cosmic watchmaker, a doting parent, or a cosmic avenger can do significant spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and moral harm...

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Three Popular Conceptions of God

Three Popular Conceptions of God

What do we believe about God? It is a question that defines who we are as Christians. It establishes the boundary markers between us and the adherents of other religions and philosophies. It provides a touchstone for our thinking about a...

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Buyer’s Remorse or Restrospective Faith?

Buyer’s Remorse or Restrospective Faith?

All my life, I have heard people say that you will never regret doing the right thing. But is that really true? Does everyone look back on the good decisions that they have made with unmingled satisfaction? Or do we sometimes wish that...

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