
Weighing in on faith and life.

B.H. Carroll faculty members, students, and those who support its mission desire to create dialog and stoke critical thinking about important topics which relate to faith and life in this world. Below are posts from diverse authors, whose views contribute to the ongoing discussion of these areas. The positions of the authors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of B.H. Carroll Theological Seminary, its faculty, and its governors.

Turning Our Eyes to Jesus: Hebrews 2:1-4

Turning Our Eyes to Jesus: Hebrews 2:1-4

We need to be reminded of all those times when Jesus has taken up our cause and acted upon our lives. We need to be reminded that we stand in a long line of people who have similar experiences. We need to be reminded that such experiences are not a figment of our imagination; they are the natural outworking of all that Jesus is and all that he did.

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Turning Our Eyes to Jesus: Hebrews 1:5-14

Turning Our Eyes to Jesus: Hebrews 1:5-14

Last week, we began our Lenten reflections with an honest appraisal of the state of mind that we often bring to this important season. We noted that the book of Hebrews calls us to turn our attention towards Jesus precisely in the context...

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Turning Our Eyes to Jesus: Hebrews 1:1-4

Turning Our Eyes to Jesus: Hebrews 1:1-4

Our challenges may feel like they are the most real thing to us. Indeed, we can be crushed by their immediacy and their urgency. But they are not, in fact, the most real things in our lives. Jesus is the most real thing that there is, and it is he to whom we must turn our eyes, in good times and in bad.

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Turning Our Eyes to Jesus: Hebrews 2:1-4

For the last two weeks, we have been focusing on Jesus by reflecting on the first chapter of Hebrews. This week, we turn our attention to Hebrews 2. As we do so, we might rightly ask ourselves, “What are we talking about?” Clearly, we are...

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Turning Our Eyes to Jesus: Hebrews 2:5-18

In keeping with the season of Lent, we have been striving to keep our focus on Jesus in spite of all that clamors for our attention. In order to channel our efforts in a fruitful way, we have been reflecting on the first two chapters of...

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Examples of Prayer in the Bible: Stephen

Examples of Prayer in the Bible: Stephen

Acts tells us that Stephen was a man of keen intellect, forceful personality, and devoted service. These traits, especially the first two, got him into trouble. No one cared that he was part of the team that ministered to Hellenistic Jewish widows, but they cared quite a bit when he started winning arguments in synagogues and on street corners.

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A ConcerT of prayerS

A ConcerT of prayerS

There was no sermon. There was no public invitation. There was just a Concert of Prayer. Fifteen years later, I still remember it vividly. It remains one of the most spiritual, and meaningful, services I’ve ever witnessed.

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Examples of Prayer in the Bible: Jesus

Examples of Prayer in the Bible: Jesus

So, what can we learn from how Jesus himself prayed? It would be nice if the writers of the four gospels had spent more time on the topic. For the most part, we just catch glimpses here and there of what surely was a much deeper and richer reality.

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