There’s an old saying about news, but we don’t believe it. “No news is bad news.” So we want to keep you informed about what is going on at B.H. Carroll. Below you’ll find the latest happenings. If you have a news tip about a B.H. Carroll faculty member, donor, alumnus or alumna, please let us know. We want to tell the world about what our students, donors, and professors are doing.
Frank and Pauline Patterson Spring Colloquy featuring Dr. Tremper Longman
Tremper Longman Distinguished Scholar of Biblical Studies at Westmont College The featured speaker for Frank and Pauline Patterson Spring Colloquy to be held May 20-21 at the Carroll Center is Dr. Tremper Longman. Dr. Longman is the...
2019 Convocation and Graduation Ceremony
You are cordially invited to attend the 2019 Convocation and Graduation Ceremony of B. H. Carroll Theological Institute
Dr. William Tolar
The first graduation of Carroll students in Vietnam
The first graduation of B. H. Carroll students in Vietnam was held on Saturday, December 8, 2018. Drs. Dao Tran, President of Vietnam Baptist Theological School, and Gene Wilkes, President of B. H. Carroll Theological Institute, along...
Frank & Pauline Patterson Fall Colloquy Live
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A Powerful Confirmation for the Carroll Model
Explore the call to compassion from Matthew 9:36 and how Carroll is equipping missional leaders globally. Learn about the urgent need for trained pastors and how you can help.
Registration for Frank & Pauline Patterson Fall Colloquy 2018 Now Open
The featured speaker for Frank and Pauline Patterson Fall Colloquy to be held Nov 12-13 at the Carroll Center is Dr. James Hart. Dr. Hart serves as the President of the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies and is a professional...
North Texas Giving Day is Coming!
We’re participating in North Texas Giving Day for the 5th year in row. A generous donor has announced that they will match every gift, dollar for dollar up to $100,000. On top of that for every donation of $25 or more, The...