Carroll Celebration

B. H. Carroll Theological Institute
invites you to participate in

“Celebrating B. H. Carroll: Life, Legacy, and Vision”
November 10-11, 2014
Arlington and Waco, Texas

B. H. Carroll Theological Institute will celebrate its tenth anniversary upon the 100th memorial anniversary of B. H. Carroll, its namesake, on November 11, 2014.

The Fall Colloquy will be a two-day event looking back on B. H. Carroll’s life, legacy, and contributions to theological education. It will also be a time of reflecting on the future of theological education and Baptist life in Texas.

Schedule of Events

Monday, November 10

Dr. Alan Lefever and Dr. Jim Spivey will present papers that explore the Life, Legacy, and Vision of B. H. Carroll, both during his own lifetime, and since his death in 1914.

2:00 Session 1: Dr. Alan Lefever
3:00 Break (Carroll Bistro, Ste. 100)
3:30 Session 2: Dr. Jim Spivey
4:30 Dismissal

Tuesday, November 11

Colloquy participants will board buses for a Historical Road Trip to Waco, where B. H. Carroll lived, worked, pastored, established a seminary, died, and was buried at the Oakwood Cemetery. The group will meet with Dr. William Pitts for tours through Oakwood Cemetery and the First Baptist Church of Waco, the church Carroll pastored. The tour will conclude with a luncheon featuring speaker Dr. Daniel O. Aleshire on the topic of “The Future of Theological Education,” and a brief worship service in the historic FBC sanctuary.

8:30 Buses Depart from BHCTI (301 South Center St., Arlington, TX 76010)
10:30 Arrive at Oakwood Cemetery (2124 South 5th St., Waco, TX 76706) for Tour of Cemetery with Dr. Pitts
11:15 Board Buses for First Baptist Church, Waco
11:25 Tour of FBC Waco with Dr. Pitts
12:00 Luncheon with Speaker, Dr. Daniel Aleshire, and Worship Service Beard-Growing Contest, Photographic Exhibition
3:00 Board Bus for Arlington
5:00 Arrive at Carroll Institute


Monday Presentations

West Wing Ste. 120
BHCTI Office Ste. 100

Wade Building, Ground Floor
301 S. Center St.
Arlington, TX 76010

Tuesday Historic Tour

Meet in the Ground Floor Foyer of the Wade Building

Other Activities

The Carroll Beard-Growing Contest will award prizes for the best naturally grown beard and the best “faux” look-alike beard.

Participants will have the opportunity to take photos with a life size cut-out of B. H. Carroll as well as view a special photographic exhibition.


Dr. Alan Lefever, Director of the Texas Baptist Historical Collection

Dr. Jim Spivey, Senior Fellow and Professor of Church History at Carroll Institute

Dr. William Pitts, Retired Professor of Church History at Baylor University

Dr. Daniel O. Aleshire,Executive Director of The Association of Theological Schools (ATS)


Published: Aug 25, 2014


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