Follow Your Heart? A Quiet Rebuttal

Follow Your Heart? A Quiet Rebuttal

There’s a saying that’s getting a lot of airtime these days. It comes in different packages like make your own path, speak your truth, or you be you. No matter the words, it boils down to a saccharine-sweet phrase which has been around for a very long...
Focusing on discipline

Focusing on discipline

When I last wrote, I asked us to consider what it would look like to focus on Jesus in the coming year. Turning my attention to Hebrews 12:1-2, however, often forces me to consider again the rest of that wonderful and challenging chapter. As the chapter unfolds, the...
Dry January

Dry January

We were blessed to go on a European river cruise (pre-pandemic), but it quickly became a little awkward. At every lunch and dinner, I was declining glasses of wine which flowed freely at every table.  “Really!?!?! You don’t want white or red?” the waiters asked in...

All Shall Be Well in 2022

As we close the chapter on 2021, I don’t know whether to let out a sigh of relief or hold my breath. What a year.  This past January, the people of the United States came together to inaugurate a new president. We sat mesmerized as the nation’s youngest inaugural poet...