Telling the Truth About Ourselves

Telling the Truth About Ourselves

As I write these words, it is a frosty, gloomy Friday afternoon, and my mood resembles the weather outside. I just finished reading a Christianity Today article about another prominent pastor who has resigned from his church in disgrace. Though he admitted to having...
“Give Us a king”

“Give Us a king”

Russell Moore has been doing a lot of writing lately about the dangers posed to the church by an excessive desire to obtain, exercise, and protect power. He has argued, in ways both subtle and overt, that too many evangelical Protestants (and conservative Roman...
Trusting God in the Silence

Trusting God in the Silence

Since the beginning of the year, my church and I have been reflecting upon what it means to really know God. We have been using Exodus 33:18-20 and 34:6-7 as our guide, and we have found that God’s goodness is an underappreciated yet indispensable aspect of who God...
The Ministry of Telling the Truth

The Ministry of Telling the Truth

The thoughts expressed in the following article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the consensus of opinion of B. H. Carroll Theological Institute’s faculty, staff, and board of governors. They are offered in the interest of stimulating...