Charismatic vs. Collaborative Leadership

Charismatic vs. Collaborative Leadership

Perhaps you saw the news that the founding church of the Vineyard Movement is being sued by some of its former members for leaving that movement. Though the lawsuit is technically about whether the church’s current senior pastors have defrauded its members,...
Little Ones to Him Belong

Little Ones to Him Belong

Jesus Loves My Grumpy Relatives   Holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas bring us into close proximity with those in need. The stranger lingering in the foyer of the store. The talkative relative whose political diatribe you’ve memorized. The whining child who can’t...
Failing Love

Failing Love

I can’t swim the ocean that’s growing between us The shores are too far apart Grover Levy, “When We Fail Love”   These words may be simple, but they are some of the saddest ever penned in contemporary Christian music. They bear witness to an intractable...
The Sufficiency of Jesus

The Sufficiency of Jesus

A Couple of weeks ago, I read Tish Harrison Warren’s excellent book Prayer in the Night.  In her writing, Warren is lovably—and, from a Baptist perspective, annoyingly—Anglican, which allows her to read her own spiritual journey through the lens of the church’s...
Meet Our DMin Supervisors

Meet Our DMin Supervisors

In the last few blogs, we’ve looked at the outstanding faculty that makes up our professors for B. H. Carroll’s DMin program.  These professors, and the seminars they lead, account for twenty-four “units,” in Carroll’s system.  Students dive into their chosen area of...
Lockdowns and Empty Tanks

Lockdowns and Empty Tanks

“Sorry ma’am. But you can’t leave. We’re on lockdown.” After traveling to Fort Worth to view an art exhibit called “From Heaven to Earth,” these words seemed out of place. But I did as I was told and took a seat in the common area. After texting my husband not to...