
Spring Colloquy 2025

East Texas Baptist University Campus One Tiger Dr, Marshall, TX, United States

Spring Colloquy 2025 | May 19-20 | Great Commission Center, ETBU | Marshall, Texas | Dr. McKnight will be speaking on Jesus and the Pharisees

B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary is a trailblazer in the area of theological education, using technology and the local church to enrich the ministry practice of its students. Through the formation of collaborative communities of learning, Carroll nurtures the souls and sharpens the minds of both faculty and students alike.

Where finances and time constraints were obstacles, BH Carroll’s affordability and accessibility have cleared the way for me to pursue my Ph.D. in counseling.

I readily benefitted at Carroll from the steadfast commitment to the Word of God, professors who love the Lord, and classmates walking this road into ministry alongside me.