
Weighing in on faith and life.

B.H. Carroll faculty members, students, and those who support its mission desire to create dialog and stoke critical thinking about important topics which relate to faith and life in this world. Below are posts from diverse authors, whose views contribute to the ongoing discussion of these areas. The positions of the authors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of B.H. Carroll Theological Seminary, its faculty, and its governors.

Starfish & Spiders & Team-work

Starfish & Spiders & Team-work

Much has been written about doing church as a team.  We see all thru the New Testament Church Planting adventures that Paul was surrounded by others who were all-in with the vision of God to reach the world with the Gospel.  Yet, within...

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Is Pain Our Friend?

Is Pain Our Friend?

Two weeks ago, we used Psalm 137 to talk about those times when we desperately need God’s help and yet no help seems to come. Last week, we used Exodus 33-34 to talk about those times when we doubt God’s care for us. These can be very...

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Emotions of Being A Sending Church

Emotions of Being A Sending Church

It is exciting to be sent!  To know that the God of All Things has imparted a specific call to you is an amazing thought.  It is so cool to actually GO once the realization becomes a calling. It becomes even more fun when you begin to...

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Am I Okay with God?

Am I Okay with God?

A Season of Doubt Brennan Manning once said that Christ will ask us only one question when he comes to judge the living and the dead.  “Did you believe that I loved you?”  I am not sure that I agree with his eschatology.  Nevertheless,...

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While We Wait

While We Wait

How do you teach urgency to a new follower of Christ in a Church Plant setting?  How can we avoid the ominous ‘pew-sitting’ mentality that can lead us to sit, soak and sour?  Worse, how can we equip Christians to avoid the pitfall of...

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Introduction to Interpreting the Bible

Introduction to Interpreting the Bible

Introduction to Interpreting the Bible You study during the week to lead your small group in Bible study. You have read your Bible passage. You have followed the suggestions and commentary in your leader’s material. You even looked up...

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When God’s Help Doesn’t Come

When God’s Help Doesn’t Come

Discontinuity between Worship and Experience   Every Sunday, in churches around the world, Christians sing words like these:   My foes are many, they rise against me But I will hold my ground I will not fear the war, I will not...

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