Accreditation Twice Affirmed

Accreditation is one way in which B. H. Carroll exemplifies its core value: Accountable. In a world flooded with diploma mills and non-accredited, loosely designed certificate and degree programs, Carroll Institute has chosen to pay the price to ensure that our students receive the highest quality degrees as part of their training for the ministry God has called them to. The Governors, Senior Fellows and I have committed to be accountable to recognized, honored agencies in order to assure the quality of the degrees we deliver. This commitment requires the tireless work of Carroll’s faculty and staff that is placed on top of their teaching and administrative responsibilities.

Our efforts to be reaffirmed by one national accrediting agency and to be fully accredited by another have been our focus over the past four years, and that focus has yielded positive results!

We recently received notice from The Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) Commission on Accreditation that our full accreditation status with the agency has been reaffirmed for the next ten years. The action by the Commission reads:

Reaffirm the accreditation of B. H. Carroll Theological Institute (TX) until 2027 in light of the Commission’s judgment that the institution complies with the ABHE’s Standards, including documentation of the appropriateness, rigor, and achievement of it stated student learning outcomes and all other Title IV eligibility requirements.

ABHE is one of the oldest accrediting agencies in the United States and is listed with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the US Department of Education. We are honored to stand with other biblically based colleges, universities and seminaries to equip church leaders here and around the world.

The second national accrediting agency with which we have received recognition is The Association of Theological Schools (ATS). You may have seen the notice of the ATS Evaluation Visit to B. H. Carroll on our website. We currently hold Candidacy status with ATS, and we will take the next step for full accreditation through this evaluation visit. The ATS Board of Commissioners has reviewed our self study and elected to send the evaluation team based on their review of our self study. The dates of the visit are scheduled for March 27 through March 30.

Accreditation with ATS will be a significant achievement for our students, graduates and faculty and will recognize the quality of our degrees and teaching. ATS is also listed with the US Department of Education.

I am humbled by the excellent and seemingly endless work by our faculty and staff to prepare the ATS self study and plan for the team’s visit. I am beholden to the founding Senior Fellows and Governors who envisioned such recognition for Carroll Institute. With a “bold humility,” I anticipate reporting a positive outcome from this visit in next month’s article.

Please join us in praising the Lord for our reaffirmation with ABHE and in praying for the ATS evaluation team visit. Your prayers and support are critical for us to continue. (This work requires time and money to complete.) We ultimately depend on God’s favor to accomplish the mission God has called us to complete, and we could not be where we are without God’s grace and the investment of time, talent, and treasures by his people.

Serving Him With You,

Published: Feb 22, 2017
