Stay Connected
As an alumnus of B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary, you want to stay connected with professors, colleagues, and fellow students. The resources below are designed to provide networking opportunities, prayer support, and the support you need as you continue on the path God has for you and your ministry.

Alumni Resources
Alumni News
2024 Spring Frank & Pauline Patterson Lecture Photo Gallery
The NEXT 20 Years Golf Tournament Photo Gallery
The NEXT 20 Years Golf Tournament
The NEXT 20 Years Gala Photo Gallery
The NEXT 20 Years Gala Celebration

Need Prayer?
The purpose of the Carroll Prayer Network is to undergird every area of B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary and to encourage the fellowship of the saints through prayer. Learn more about the CPN, discover prayer resources, and submit prayer requests.

Continue the Carroll Legacy
Answering the call to seminary is an important and unique step in reaching the world for Christ. By giving to the work of B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary, you will provide financial aid for students, support our faculty of biblical experts, and help equip men and women for their call to ministry. Together we can advance and continue the legacy of Carroll for the kingdom of God.