Master of Divinity
When the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, he reminded them of God’s gracious gift of servant leaders like “pastors and teachers” whose job it was to “equip the saints for works of service” and to the “building up of the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11, 12)
For this reason, the Master of Divinity (MDiv) is all about equipping God’s servant leaders with God’s word to equip others for the advancement of the Mission of God through Christ’s church. The MDiv degree is designed to train pastors with the biblical, theological, and practical knowledge needed to equip those who are the church in order to build up the church.
Program Description
The MDiv is the foremost professional degree for those called to preach and teach God’s word. In the MDiv program you will learn:
- Practical ministry skills needed to shepherd a congregation;
- Biblical backgrounds of history, archeology and geography;
- Biblical hermeneutics and how to interpret Scripture;
- Exegesis of the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament;
- Theological schools of thought and church history;
- Apologetics, philosophy of religion and how to defend the faith.
The Master of Divinity degree prepares persons for ordained ministry and for general pastoral and religious leadership responsibilities in congregations and other settings. The MDiv degree may also prepare a student to pursue admission to the Doctor of Ministry and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs.
All of the classes for the MDiv program are offered Online.
Program Goals
The central goals (adapted from ATS standard 4.3) of the Carroll MDiv degree, as an advanced professional program oriented toward ordained ministry and for general pastoral and religious leadership, include the following:
Goal 1: Master of Divinity degree recipients will give evidence of a comprehensive and discriminating understanding of their religious heritage.
Goal 2: Master of Divinity degree recipients will give evidence of an understanding of the cultural realities and structures within which the church lives and carries out its mission.
Goal 3: Master of Divinity degree recipients will give evidence of personal growth—faith, emotional maturity, moral integrity, and public witness. They will also give evidence of development of certain capacities—intellectual and affective, individual and corporate, ecclesial and public—that are requisite to a life of pastoral leadership.
Goal 4: Master of Divinity degree recipients will give evidence of personal theological reflection on the practice of ministry and demonstrate a capacity for leadership in both ecclesial and public contexts.
These core goals are achieved uniquely at B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary through specific learner-centered competencies that have their bases in four theologically-oriented Learning Clusters of Carroll’s foundational curriculum.
Total Units Required: 72
There are three specializations for the Master of Divinity. The Biblical Languages specialization includes a focus on courses in Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek. The Church Ministry specialization involves a broad biblical language overview and focused ministry courses. The Chaplain Ministry specialization includes an intentional focus on equipping those who are pursuing chaplaincy in specialized settings of healthcare, military, corrections, corporate/workplace, public safety, and community.
Course Completion Guides
- MDiv with Specialization in Biblical Languages
- MDiv with Specialization in Church Ministry
- MDiv with Specialization in Chaplain Ministry
Units Required
Avg years
Cost per unit

Adlin Cotto
Dr. Cotto has coordinated the Cuba program for Carroll since 2009, and has been working with Tarrant Baptist Association in the area of Hispanic Leadership Training. She administered the Seminary Extension program for Hispanic pastors and lay leaders for more than 15 years. She serves as a volunteer children’s and preschool minister.
Phone: (972) 580-7600
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