Doctor of Ministry


“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
Søren Kierkegaard

Your prior studies have supplied you with knowledge, but you aren’t ready to stop learning. Your prior experiences have allowed you to apply your knowledge, but you aren’t ready to stop growing. The Doctor of Ministry degree is designed to increase your learning—in the context of praxis—to increase your wisdom and giftedness for the next challenge God is leading you into in your life.

The DMin degree prepares ministers to practice ministry reflectively and meaningfully through the ongoing integration of theory and practice. The program also trains ministers to acquire and develop mature and effective leadership skills and competencies in pastoral research. The program requires students to make a contribution to the understanding and practice of ministry through the design, implementation, evaluation, and completion of a doctoral-level project. The structure of the DMin degree arises from specific goals for such programs.

See Admission Requirements.

Doctoral Programs Handbook

Structure of the DMin Program

B. H. Carroll’s newly reformatted DMin degree allows new students to join a cohort in the Fall semester. Cohorts engage together for two years of seminars. Seminar studies will include topics from within our four theological clusters:

  • Scripture and Witness
  • Faith and Heritage
  • Ministry and Formation
  • Worship and Mission

The third year is designed for developing, writing, and defending a professional project in the specialty area of your choice. While your major will be in one of the four clusters, the possibilities for your specialist concentration are endless.

Course TitleCourse NumberCredits
Advanced Orientation SeminarAOSEM—61003
Core Reading SeminarCRSEM—61003
Advanced Theological Integration SeminarTISEM—62003
Advanced Leadership Effectiveness SeminarLESEM—62003
Advanced Spiritual Formation SeminarSFSEM—62003
Interdisciplinary Concentration Seminar and Supervised ReadingICSEM—63003
Disciplinary Concentration Seminar and Supervised ReadingDCSEM—63003
Prospectus Writing SeminarPWSEM—81003
Ministry Project and Oral DefenseMPPRO—86536
Total Units:30

Facts & Figures

Units Required

Avg years

Ray Wilkins

Ray Wilkins


Ray Wilkins holds a BA from Union University and an MDiv and PhD from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the Senior Pastor of Lebanon Baptist Church in Frisco, TX and has over 20 years of experience in the local church. He has also served as an Adjunct Faculty at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Criswell College, and B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary where he has taught classes in Systematic Theology, New Testament, and Philosophy.

Interested in the Doctor of Ministry program?

I readily benefitted at Carroll from the steadfast commitment to the Word of God, professors who love the Lord, and classmates walking this road into ministry alongside me.

Carroll Theological Seminary is not only a superb theological education (and it is that)—but it is also an immersion into Christian ministry. Jesus said, “As you go, become disciple-makers” (Matt. 28: 19-20). Carroll is about developing the best “disciple-makers” possible.