
Administrative Staff


Jolene Crouch

Administrative Assistant, PhD Program

Molly Floyd

Director, Online Learning

Melanie Gray

Administrative Assistant

Carl Heath

Director, Information Technology

Jeremy Varnell

Director, Admissions

Jill Varnell

Coordinator, Development

Academic Leadership

President and Senior Fellows

Gene Wilkes

Gene Wilkes, President

Professor of New Testament and Leadership


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); Baylor University (BA).

Dr. Wilkes was elected president of B.H. Carroll in 2013. Prior to that, he served as the pastor of Legacy Church in Plano, Texas, for 26 years. He is the author of numerous books on leadership, including Jesus on Leadership: Timeless Wisdom on Service Leadership (Tyndale).

Scott Floyd

Scott Floyd, Senior Fellow

Professor of Psychology and Counseling
Director, Master of Arts in Counseling


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MAMFC); Oklahoma Baptist University (BA).

Dr. Floyd has served as a professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary, and Howard Payne University. Dr. Floyd is a Licensed Professional Counselor (Approved Supervisor) and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. He is the author of Crisis Counseling: A Guide for Pastors and Professionals (Kregel). He also leads the counseling ministry of Gambrell Street Baptist Church.

Carroll Fellows

Adlín Cotto

Adlín Cotto

Associate Professor of Christian Education
Director, Master’s Degree Programs


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MACE); University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez (BS).

Dr. Cotto has coordinated the Cuba program for Carroll since 2009, and has been working with Tarrant Baptist Association in the area of Hispanic Leadership Training. She administered the Seminary Extension program for Hispanic pastors and lay leaders for more than 15 years. She serves as a volunteer children’s and preschool minister.

John Fortner

John Fortner

Assistant Professor, Faith and Heritage


B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary (PhD Studies in Faith and Heritage); Marquette University (PhD Studies in Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity); Miami University (MA); Beeson Divinity School (DMin); Bryan College (BA).

Gregory Tomlin

Gregory Tomlin

Professor of Christian Heritage
Director, PhD Program


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MA); University of Arkansas at Little Rock (BA).

Dr. Tomlin is director of the Ph. D. Program at B. H. Carroll. He also leads the seminary’s institutional effectiveness efforts to maintain accreditation with ATS, ABHE, NCSARA, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). He previously served as the director of the Faith & Heritage Cluster. Dr. Tomlin was one of the founding administrators at the University of North Texas at Dallas and has worked with Liberty University’s Rawlings School of Divinity as a professor and faculty instructional mentor. Dr. Tomlin has also studied at Baylor University and at Boston University’s Institute on Culture, Religion, and World Affairs (CURA). He has published more than 100 opinion editorials and 1,000 news stories on religion and public affairs. In 2023, Dr. Tomlin won the Norman W. Cox Award for Best Article Published in Baptist History and Heritage in 2022.

Ray Wilkins

Ray Wilkins

Director, DMin Program


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); Union University (BA).

Ray Wilkins holds a BA from Union University and an MDiv and PhD from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the Senior Pastor of Lebanon Baptist Church in Frisco, TX and has over 20 years of experience in the local church. He has also served as an Adjunct Faculty at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Criswell College, and B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary where he has taught classes in Systematic Theology, New Testament, and Philosophy.

Shannon Wolf

Shannon Wolf

Professor of Psychology and Counseling


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MAMFC); Athens University (BA).

Dr. Wolf is a Licensed Professional Counselor (Approved Supervisor) and a Board Certified Professional Christian Counselor. In addition to her work at Carroll, she serves as director of the Southcliff Christian Counseling Center. She works with a wide range of client concerns, including various types of trauma, depression, anxiety, marriage and family concerns, and sex trafficking. She and her husband are formerly international missionaries in Eastern Europe.

Distinguished Fellows

Karen Bullock

Distinguished Professor of Christian Heritage


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); University of North Texas (BS).

Prior to her service at Carroll, Dr. Bullock taught Church History and was director of the PhD program and associate dean at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She directed the PhD in Leadership Studies program at Dallas Baptist University and has taught in seminaries and Baptist universities in the US, Uganda, and Canada. Dr. Bullock is deeply involved with the Baptist World Alliance, where she served as chair of the Heritage and Identity and Religious Freedom commissions. She is a sought-after speaker and also the archivist of Buckner Baptist Benevolences.


Bruce Corley

Former President, Founding Senior Fellow
New Testament


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (ThD, MDIV); Northeastern State University, Talequah, Okla. (BS).

Dr. Corley, though now retired, serves as chancellor on the Board of Governors. Noted for his work in the New Testament, especially the Pauline epistles, Dr. Corley is widely respected by his peers in New Testament studies. His career spanned decades of teaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University. He has held offices in the Society of Biblical Literature, Institute for Biblical Research, and National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion. Dr. Corley also studied at Spurgeon’s College in London and at the University of Cambridge. He has lectured internationally and has authored twenty-five books.


William Fisher

German and French
Scripture and Witness


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); Houston Baptist University (BA).


Stan Moore

Founding Senior Fellow
Professor of Church Music and Worship


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (DMA, MCM, MM, Conducting); University of New Mexico (BME).

Dr. Moore previously taught at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where was chair of the Music Ministry Department and acting dean of the School of Church Music. While serving as a missionary to Brazil from 1978-87, Dr. Moore served as a professor at South Brazil Baptist Theological Seminary and director of the seminary’s School of Sacred Music. He also served as music minister to churches in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico. Dr. Moore has completed additional study in music and conducting at Escola de Português e Orientação (Campinas, Brazil), Regent’s Park College (Oxford University), St. John’s College (Nottingham, England), and conferences under George Barna and Dr. Robert Webber. He is the co-founder of the Global Consultation on Music and Missions (GCoMM). He currently serves as Catalyst at Large for the LausanneARTS Network.


William A. “Budd” Smith

Founding Senior Fellow
Education, Psychology and Family Counseling


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MA); Georgetown College, Kentucky (BA).

Dr. Smith is a member of the National Association for Professors of Christian Education, Baptist Religious Education Association of the Southwest, Association for Supervision and Development of Curriculum, National Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, and the Juvenile Diabetes Association. Before helping to establish B.H. Carroll, Dr. Smith was a professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he directed the Oxford Study Program. Dr. Smith did additional study at the University of Surrey, Guildford, England; and the University of Oxford.


Jim Spivey

Founding Senior Fellow
Christian Heritage


University of Oxford (DPhil); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDIV); Auburn University (BA); U.S. Army Command and General Staff College; U.S. Army War College.

Prior to his appointment to the Carroll Seminary, Dr. Spivey taught at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and was dean of the seminary’s Houston campus. He has pastored churches in Brackley, Northamptonshire, England, and Texas. He is currently the pastor of Gambrell Street Baptist Church in Fort Worth. Dr. Spivey achieved the rank of brigadier general in the U.S. Army Reserves and was deployed to numerous theatres. He was assistant chief of chaplains at the Pentagon and deputy director of the Pentagon’s Family Assistance Center in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks. He retired from the Army, highly decorated, in 2003. He has served on the boards of numerous service organizations and taught in England, Romania, Russia, and Turkey.


David Strawn

Education and Administration


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MRE); Howard Payne University (BA).

Dr. Strawn served as Minister of Education in churches ranging in attendance from 25 to over 1000 across almost fifty years of full-time ministry. After retiring from twenty years’ service to First Baptist College Station, he created The Ministry of Education, a non-profit consulting ministry focused on helping smaller churches with their Christian education programs. He has led over twenty international trips to Christian heritage sites in England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy in addition to trips to Biblical sites in Greece, Turkey, and Israel. Dr. Strawn has done additional post-graduate study at Regents Park College in Oxford and Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. He has published articles in the Journal of Christian Education and Didaktikos, in addition to writing curriculum materials for children and adults for Lifeway and Baptistway publishers.


Robert Williams

Doctoral Supervisor
New Testament and Historical Theology


University of Chicago (PhD, MA); Rice University (BA).

Prior to his work with B.H. Carroll, Dr. Williams taught biblical theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and was the Patrick Henry Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the International Institute for the Renewal of Gospel Studies in the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. He also taught at Dallas Baptist University, Criswell College, Asbury College, and Vancouver Bible College in British Columbia.


Resident Fellows

Fernando Abella

Ministry and Formation


Dallas Theological Seminary (DMin); Dallas Theological Seminary (MDiv equivalency); Liberty University (MA); Cornerstone University (MARE); Río Grande Bible Institute (Diploma).


Nick Acker

Scripture and Witness


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); Logsdon School of Theology (MDIV); Howard-Payne University (BA).


David Alexander

Worship and Missions


Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (DMin); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDIV, MRE); Texas Tech University (BS).


Larry Ashlock

Doctoral Supervisor
Faith and Heritage


The Open University (UK) (PhD); Southwestern Seminary (DMin, MDIV); Baylor University (BA).


Ildiko Balla

Ministry and Formation


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MAMFC, MARE); Babes-Bloyai University, Romania (BA).


Don Barrick

Worship and Missions


Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies (DWS); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MM); Wayland Baptist University (BM).


Wade Berry

Scripture and Witness


Texas Christian University-Brite Divinity School (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MATh); Williams Baptist College (BA).


Jim Browning

Ministry and Formation


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (DMin); Air University, Air War College (MS); Boston University (MS); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDIV); University of Texas, Arlington (BA).


William Bryan

Scripture and Witness


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); Northern Baptist Theological Seminary (DMin); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDIV); University of Houston (MBA); Virginia Tech (BS).


Mentanna Campbell

Ministry and Formation


Texas Christian University (PhD); Regent University (MA); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDIV); Baylor University (BA).


Danny Cancino

Ministry and Formation


Regent University (PhD); DBU (MBS).


Ruben Cayoja

Ministry and Formation


Hurley Clayton

Ministry and Formation


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDIV); Lamar University (MM, BS).


Margie Clayton

Ministry and Formation


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD, MACE).


Dan Clement

Ministry and Formation


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MARE, MRE); Southern Colorado University (BS).


Zoricelis Davila

Ministry and Formation


Liberty University (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MA, MACE, BA equivalency).


Nancy deClaisse-Walford

Scripture and Witness


Baylor University (PhD); Fuller Theological Seminary (MA); California State University at Northridge (BA).


Chris Dinwiddie

Ministry and Formation


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MA); Langston University (BA).


Paul Dorsey

Ministry and Formation


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MRE); Troy State University (BS).


Kent Edwards

Doctoral Supervisor
Scripture and Witness


Cook School of Intercultural Studies, Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary (DMin); Tyndale Seminary (MDIV); Canadian Bible College (BTh).


Marsha Ellis-Smith

Scripture and Witness


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDiv); Ouachita Baptist University (BME).


Malinda Fasol-Leewright

Ministry and Formation


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD); New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (MAMFC); William Jewell College (BA).


Karl Fickling

Director, Doctor of Ministry Program
Ministry and Formation


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); Baylor University (BA).


Thomas Gamble

Christian Education
Ministry and Formation


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MA); Wayland Baptist University (BA).


Stephen Hatfield

Scripture and Witness


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); Ouachita Baptist University (BA).


Rob Hewell

Worship and Missions


San Francisco Theological Seminary (DMin); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MCM); Midwestern State University (BME).


David Hormenoo

Ministry and Formation


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV, MA); Ghana Baptist Theological Seminary (BTh).


Danny Howe

Faith and Heritage


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); Howard Payne University (BA).


Kenneth Hugghins

Scripture and Witness


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); Baylor University (BA).


Dawn Irons

Ministry and Formation


B. H. Carroll Theological Institute(PhD); Walden University (PhD); Dallas Baptist University (MAC); University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (BS).


Rhonda Johnson

Ministry and Formation


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MAMFC, MACE); Oklahoma Baptist University (BA).


Rick Johnson

Doctoral Supervisor
Scripture and Witness


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); Louisiana College (BA); further study at Eberhard Karls Universitat, Tübingen.


Sarah Johnson

Ministry and Formation


Dallas Baptist University (EdD); George W. Truett Theological Seminary (MDIV); University of Mary Harding-Baylor (BA).


Sheila Klopfer

Doctoral Supervisor
Faith and Heritage


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MAT); New Mexico State University (MA, BA).


Hongnak Koo

Scripture and Witness


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); Chungnam National University (BA).


Steve Lemke

Visiting Fellow


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); Louisiana Tech University (BA).


Milton Lites

Doctoral Supervisor
Worship and Missions


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (DMA, MAM); Louisiana Tech University (BA).


Sastry Meesala

Worship and Missions


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, ThM); Dallas Baptist University (MA); Serampore University (BTh).


Denorah Méndez

Doctoral Supervisor


Oxford Centre for Missions Studies and University of Wales (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDIV); Seminario OSoutBautista Mexicano (BA); Instituto Tecnologico De Durango (BS).


Darren Middleton

Doctoral Supervisor
Faith and Heritage


University of Glasgow (PhD); University of Oxford (MPhil); University of Manchester (BA).


María Monteiro

Worship and Missions


Baylor University (PhD); Duke University (Certificate in Graduate Studies); Baylor University (MM); Baylor University (BAM).


Milton Morocho

Scripture and Witness


Clark Summit University (PhD); Dallas Theological Seminary (ThM); Western Seminary (MA); Río Grande Bible Institute (BA).


Walter Norvell

Worship and Missions


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MARE); University of Memphis (MS); Union University (BA).


Elsen Portugal

Worship and Missions


B. H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); University of Central Arkansas (MM); Patriot Bible University (MA); East Texas Baptist University (BM).


Albert Reyes

Doctoral Supervisor


Andrews University (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (DMin, MDIV); Angelo State University (BS).


David Ritsema

Scripture and Witness


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); George W. Truett Theological Seminary (MDIV); East Texas Baptist University (BA).


Joshua Rose

Ministry and Formation


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MACE); University of Texas at Arlington (BA).


Lori Ryan

Ministry and Formation


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); Dallas Baptist University (MA); University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (BS).


Michelle Salzman

Ministry and Formation


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD, in progress); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MAMFC, MARE).


Robert Schulze

Scripture and Witness


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (BA).


Scott Shiffer

Scripture and Witness


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MATh); Dallas Baptist University (BA).


Grace Lyn Shockey

Worship and Missions


Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary (DMiss); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MCM); University of South Carolina (BME).


Gregory Snyder

Scripture and Witness


Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (PhD, MPhil); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MA); Texas Christian University (MBA, BA).


Allan Thompson



Dallas Baptist University (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MARE); McNeese State University (BA).


Justin Tollison

Christian Heritage


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDIV); Hardin-Simmons University (BA).


Julio Varela

Teología Cristiana I, II, II (Christian Theology)


Piedmont International University (PhD); Calvary Bible College (MS, MA, MDiv); Río Grande Bible College (Diploma).


Tommy Vaughn

Psychology and Counseling


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (DEdMin, MARE); East Tennessee State University (MA); Wofford College (BS).


Layne Wallace

Faith and Heritage


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); George W Truett Theological Seminary (DMin); Campbell University Divinity School (MDiv); Western Carolina University (BA).


Reagan White

Philosophy of Religion


Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MDIV); Texas Tech University (BA).


Scott Whitson

Pastoral Ministry


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MARE, MAMFC, MDIV); Baylor University (BA).


Randall Worley

Scripture and Witness


B.H. Carroll Theological Institute (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDIV); Baylor University (BFA).


W. Rick Yount

Educational Psychology


University of North Texas (PhD); Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, MARE), University of Maryland (BA).


Carroll Theological Seminary is not only a superb theological education (and it is that)—but it is also an immersion into Christian ministry. Jesus said, “As you go, become disciple-makers” (Matt. 28: 19-20). Carroll is about developing the best “disciple-makers” possible.

The support system between the staff and other students encouraged me during my time at Carroll. Classmates and teachers truly care not only about success but about the person they are interacting with. Carroll became a place I could go to seek academic help, but also prayers for life outside of the classroom. Carroll gave me great friends, mentors, and a network that expands far beyond a zoom session.

B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary is a trailblazer in the area of theological education, using technology and the local church to enrich the ministry practice of its students. Through the formation of collaborative communities of learning, Carroll nurtures the souls and sharpens the minds of both faculty and students alike.