Join the Journey

And what a wild journey it’s been. 

In the Fall Semester of 2020, I began as the new Director of the DMin program at B. H. Carroll. The following summer, with the Pandemic now in full breakout mode, I attended a national conference of DMin Directors (on Zoom) and heard the same concern expressed over and over by directors from all over the USA and Canada, from all types of denominational and unaffiliated seminaries. The common reports were that COVID had led to fatigue and difficulties in getting students to complete their work, and the pandemic had negatively impacted enrollment.

Meanwhile, here we were at B. H. Carroll Theological Institute (BHC) trying to restart our program with a new cohort format! What a crazy time. What a wild journey it’s been. 

I don’t want to doubt that COVID has taken its toll. It has on many of us. But somehow, our first cohort has just about completed their seminars and should finish their prospectuses and begin working on their professional projects this summer. For this group, a three-year DMin degree is well within sight.

Could this be you? Would you like to join in the journey?

A Doctor of Ministry is designed to provide expertise in the PRAXIS of a specialty area of ministry. For some, it will equip them for the next challenge in their current ministry setting. For others, it will lead them into completely new ministry opportunities. For all, it will provide new skills to analyze ministry situations with serious theological lenses in order to be more effective in Kingdom work.

The cohort system allows you to begin with a group, travel together through four semesters (2 seminars each semester) of reading/writing/discussion/presentations. Ultimately, you will dive into a ministry issue where you will likely become THE expert in it.

Our full tuition is $3,500 per semester, but our BHC donors enable us to give every student a scholarship of $1,575.00. Therefore, your total tuition each semester is only $1,925.00. But once you finish your seminars, and earn the approval of your professional project’s prospectus, we’ll cut your tuition in half again while you continue working on your professional project.

Could it be that this ongoing pandemic is working towards God calling you to continue your education? For one of our students, the pandemic has freed up extra time, and he’s taking advantage of that. For another, DMin work has kept the student’s mind occupied with spiritual endeavors to combat sitting around and moping. For others, there’s been the immediate application of course work into helping sustain their current ministries during COVID challenges.

Many different theologically-based degrees now meet the required educational prerequisite. And it’s time to start your application process to meet our May 1 deadline. What’s keeping you from looking at the DMin program? 

A virtual open house for our DMin program will be held on March 3, at 10:00 A.M. We’ll visit with the president, a professor, and a student, and we’ll answer questions, etc. For an invitation to the open house, or to schedule a visit with me, please contact me at

Come on and join the journey!

Published: Feb 7, 2022


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