Letter from the President: End of Year Giving

The late G.K. Chesterton had a way with words. While discussing the struggles of the industrial age in his book, Brave New Family, he wrote eloquently about the sacredness of the home, which he saw as a place of safety and security. It was in that context he wrote, “Christmas is built upon a beautiful and intentional paradox; that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home.”

Each year, we remind B.H. Carroll’s faculty, staff, students, and supporters of that paradox. The fact that the Son of God condescended to take on flesh in the babe of Bethlehem in the humblest of conditions is not lost on us. It was the beginning of his incarnational experience, in which he exposed himself to our trials and tribulations, shared in our weakness, and bore our sins on the cross. That he inserted himself into human history with the singular goal of redeeming humanity is the story we love to tell. It is not just good news—it is the best of news and the only hope for humanity.

B.H. Carroll’s mission is to equip men and women who are called to share that gospel—whether in the local church, parachurch ministries, in the classroom, or on the mission field. To accomplish that mission and aid in the diverse and global ministries of Christ’s church, we depend heavily upon those who share with us the call to go to the ends of the earth bearing the name of Jesus. We’re not content, however, to see the birth of Christ celebrated in every home. We’d rather see him making his home in every heart.

We hope you will catch this vision afresh with us and ask how you can partner with us in fulfilling the mission of B.H. Carroll. Will you help us by founding a scholarship, providing operating funds, or funding an academic program through a year-end gift? As always, your gifts are much appreciated and tax-deductible.

On behalf of the faculty, staff, and students of B.H. Carroll, we wish you a Merry Christmas. 

Serving Him with You,

Published: Dec 3, 2021


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