A Weary World Rejoices

I’m tired.

I’m tired of masks. Where did I put it? When do I wear it? Does it help or not?

I’m tired of opening and closing the offices due to either confirmed cases of COVID or someone exposed to the virus while visiting family or friends.

I’m tired of video conference calls for church worship, small group, staff meetings, and even Christmas parties, which I missed in person because I was exposed to someone who didn’t know they were positive. 

I’m tired of visiting my mother and my wife’s mother standing outside their assisted living room windows and talking over speakerphone. 

I’m tired of not being able to go to weddings and funerals for fear of contracting the virus, which happens more often in those groupings than you’d think. 

I’m tired of social distancing. Period.

I’m tired of politics, shutdowns and closings, news stories, and “uncertainty in the stock market.”

I’m tired of how people treat each other because of race and differing political and religious positions.

We are all tired. 


Longing for some news of hope. 

I woke up this morning with these lyrics of hope singing in my head:

Long lay the world in sin and error pining

‘Til he appeared and the soul felt its worth

A thrill of hope

The weary world rejoices

For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

Fall on your knees

O, hear the angels’ voices

O, Night Divine

O, night when Christ was born

The world has long been weary of its condition. The Bible tells us all creation, including us, will groan until the One born at Christmas returns. Until then, we live with the certain hope of His Presence and of His glorious return.

Rejoice, weary world. Hope has come, is here, and is coming in Jesus Christ. 

Cling to and share that hope. 

Now maybe more than ever we who trust Jesus to be the Christ join the chorus “a thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices…O night when Christ was born.”

During this Advent season as we take time to think about the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us be reminded to bring the joy and hope of salvation to those around us. Follow Carroll’s advent devotionals.  We also ask this Christmas that you prayerfully consider making an end of year gift to support our ongoing mission to equip our missional leaders.

Singing with you,


PS My favorite version of O Holy Night is by Pentatonix. Sing along out loud.


Published: Dec 18, 2020


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