In the Steps of Paul Trip, 2020 – Greece & Turkey

The deposit for this trip needs to be made to Dr. Strawn by September 10, 2019. 

B.H. Carroll is offering a new elective class on March 16-27, 2020: In the Steps of Paul tour hosted by Dr. David Strawn, one of our Resident Fellows. President Gene Wilkes will also be making the trip. Dr. Wilkes will be the Professor of record for Master’s Degree course credit (NT II) and Doctoral seminar credit (SWSEM 7211). Transient students are welcome, too! Syllabus upon request.

In addition, students will receive credit for New Testament II. Currently, the full cost of tuition is required to get credit, but students may inquire with the Admissions office if they are serious about making the trip and getting credit.

In the words of Dr. Strawn:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Except for visiting the Holy Land where our Lord walked and ministered, a trip following the Footsteps of Paul through Greece and Turkey has been perhaps my most moving spiritual experience. When we stood on top of “Mars Hill” in Athens and read Paul’s sermon, when we went to Corinth where Paul, Aquilla, and Priscilla ministered for a year and a half, when we stood in the theater in Ephesus where Paul made his defense of the Gospel my appreciation of Paul’s ministry forever changed.

Below is information about our next trip to whet your appetite. The total cost for the air and land portions is $3549 for the 12 day trip. That will include all airfare from Houston Intercontinental Airport, ground transportation in Greece and Turkey, lodging, admissions and most meals. We plan to limit our group to about 30-40 people, so reserve your spot by returning the linked reservation form to me along with your deposit check made
out to Nawas Travel.

I hope you will seriously consider traveling with us next March. Those of us who have walked where Paul carried the Gospel to new places can tell you how the Bible will come alive as we walk those same streets.

For more information about the syllabus, trip costs, and class registration, please contact Dr. David Strawn.


Reservation Form

Published: Aug 26, 2019


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