Carroll Prayer Network

When the four Senior Fellows, Drs. Bruce Corley, Stan Moore, Bud Smith, and Jim Spivey, founded B. H. Carroll Theological Institute, they had spent a great amount of time in prayer. They believed the Lord had given them the vision that theological education needed to return to the churches and that theological classes online would help equip men and women called to serve Christ in the diverse and global ministries of His church. After beginning the seminary, these leaders and others who joined them have continued to pray for the school and for the lives of the faculty and students. The import of many people praying for the different aspects of Carroll life pinpointed the need for a strategic prayer network (1 Thess 5:17). In May 2018 with the approval of the Carroll staff, Dr. Moore asked me, Dr. Sharon Gresham, to volunteer as the Coordinator of this opportunity.

Since May, a team of Stan Moore, Michelle Martin, Carl Heath, and Sharon Gresham has introduced the Carroll Prayer Network (CPN) to the staff, faculty, students, governors, and partners. We have invited people to join our CPN emails in praying for needs and receiving praises about the Institute. We have a goal of 120 prayer warriors joining us by October 31st, but maintain the intent of more joining us consistently. At this time, we have 97 who have answered the call to join the network.

We have created an Advisory Council that will coordinate teams specifically to pray for the Leadership and Faculty, Students, Teaching Churches, and Global Concerns. The ideal is to undergird and cover each element of Carroll’s ministry and mission (Matt 7:7-8). Therefore, we seek to engage more prayer teams for each part of Carroll’s life. One such opportunity that already focuses on this vision is built into the Teaching Church model, led by Lue Kraltchev, that each teaching church will have its own prayer coordinator and prayer team.

Another feature of the CPN already in progress includes development of the CPN Website to which prayer warriors may go for requests and reports. The website will have a monthly calendar with specific prayer emphases such as the North Texas Giving Day, Carroll’s representation at various meetings, and the beginnings and ends of Terms and Semesters. Additionally, the webpage will have a Resource Center on prayer. Carroll’s librarian Don Day has accumulated a variety of books, articles, and websites on prayer that can aid in understanding and growing in one’s prayer life and in training the teams.

The call of God to this prayer strategy excites us that He has even greater plans for the ministry of B. H. Carroll Theological Institute in mobilizing the priesthood of believers for service in society. As Carroll prays, we continue to develop Christ-centered leaders who are committed to academic excellence, life-long learning, and transformational ministry. Please, join us in this vision and network with us in reaching the world for Christ.

Published: Jan 1, 1970


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