Good News!!

Dear Friend of B. H. Carroll Theological Institute,

I want to thank you for your prayers and participation in North Texas Giving Day this year. The Communities Foundation of Texas raised over $39,000,000 for 2,900 non-profits in North Texas. We are grateful to them for including us in this event.

Here’s what you did:

  • We received 10 donations through the mail totaling $115,780
  • Our NTXGD online giving was 103 Donations totaling $45,442
  • Grand Total: 113 Donations totaling $161,222
  • That means we will distribute $16,122 for Hurricane Harvey relief to B. H. Carroll alumni, churches, and students affected by the hurricane and flooding.

I want to thank our donor who gave the total of the promised $100,000 matching gift although we did not reach our $100,000 matching goal. We got close!

Please continue to pray for and support the mission of B. H. Carroll as we equip missional leaders where they live and serve.

Serving Him With You,

Published: Sep 15, 2017


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