The Peace of Discipleship – Meaning

We are very results-oriented aren’t we? Even within ministry, we like to see the wins. We want to see baptisms and salvations and numerical growth. Yet, the end result in discipleship is much less measurable. It is:

Meaning – You could use the word purpose if you want. We were Made for this. We were Marred and separated from this. We are Mended to experience this forever. We are Morphed to experience it now. We let God transform our Mindset & Ministry and even our ability to Marvel in the here and now so we can live up to it. We Mature and Multiply as an expression of it. Meaning is us living out our identity as followers of Jesus. Our theme verse for this is Ephesians 2:10:

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

God made us. God made the world. God made us to walk out certain things in the world. God made us to experience this deep meaning. From this, we can have peace. From this we can have assurance.

Does the discipleship model of your church lead your people towards peace with God now and later?

Note – in my 8th year of ministry, I can admit that my own discipleship and thus my model is a work in progress. I assume it will be until I breathe my last. With that being said, I would welcome your feedback and your insights into discipleship.

[Admin Note: This is part 7 in a 7 part series. You find the others in the series here.]

Published: Sep 1, 2016


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