Carroll Institute Awards Certificates to 47 Graduates at Instituto Bíblico Bautista Sola Scriptura in Matamoros, Mexico

Dr. Gene Wilkes recently represented Carroll Institute on June 25th, 2016, at the graduation ceremony of the Instituto Bíblico Bautista Sola Scriptura by bringing the message and awarding certificates to the students. Of the forty-seven students who graduated, four received the Certificate in Leadership, and forty-three were awarded the Certificate in Ministry. The Certificate in Leadership are for those students who are training as current and future church leaders. The Certificate of Ministry is for those who are preparing as pastors, missionaries and evangelists.

Certificates for IBBSS

Abraham Barberi, director of the Bible Institute and graduate of Carroll Institute with the Advanced Diploma in Christian Ministry, commented, “We give thanks to God for this victory and for the 47 students who worked hard and ended well. We also give thanks to God for Dr. Gene Wilkes, President of an accredited theological institution, who joined us in Matamoros to award the certificates at graduation and for B. H. Carroll Theological Institute for partnering with us to make more disciples in Matamoros, Mexico. God is good!”

Gene Wilkes responded by saying, “It is a privilege and honor to serve with you here. You are doing a wonderful work training church leaders for the mission of God we have been called to serve.” Dr. Wilkes spoke on “Making Disciples” for the graduation message.

The graduation ceremony was held at the Holiday Inn in Matamoros. You can see video footage of the ceremony on Instituto Bíblico Bautista Sola Scriptura’s Facebook page. To read more about the Barberis’ work in Matamoros, click here.

Gene and Abraham
Published: Jun 29, 2016


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