The Carroll Center hosts a DFW Area Carroll Alumni Gathering

The DFW alumni group gathered together on Saturday March 19th in order to catch up with old friends, meet new ones, and of course enjoy some good food. It was a diverse group that met. This group included graduated students, fellows, senior fellows, the chancellor of Carroll, and some of their families as well.

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During the meeting we took a few moments to share some of our stories about our experience at Carroll and what Carroll has meant to us. Two of these stories were particularly poignant. First, Dr. John Swann said he was thankful for how well Carroll built up the bride of Christ. He was honored to be a part of an institution that not only championed quality theological education but also celebrated and equipped the church. Second, Dr. Jim Spivey voiced his thankfulness for two sets of people. He thanked the alumni for having faith in Carroll, especially the ones who began their programs before Carroll was accredited. He then thanked Dr. Russell Dilday, our chancellor, for his kind words of encouragement prior to the establishment of Carroll. Dr. Spivey credited Dr. Dilday’s reassurance as a strong motivator in the formation of the institute.

The theme of our time together was the importance of the alumni sharing our stories with the ones around us. We, the alumni of Carroll, are the greatest marketing tool that Carroll has. We need to speak for Carroll so its mission and vision can spread. This event was primarily for the alumni in the DFW area, but rest assured there will be more alumni meetings coming, probably one in your area.

Published: Mar 30, 2016


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