Global Partnership Forum with ATS

The Association of Theological Schools recently invited representatives from B. H. Carroll to participate in the Educational Models and Practices Project in Pittsburgh, PA. We were asked to participate in the Global Partnership Forum because of our work in this area of theological education. I attended with Drs. Karen Bullock and Stan Moore, who represented Carroll in the plenary sessions, workshops, and first of three gatherings of the Global Partnership Forum. Much of what we discussed and began to formulate are in the direction we have headed as an Institute. One of the intended outcomes of the overall project is to, …inform a substantive redevelopment of the Commission on Accrediting’s Standards of Accreditation. Carroll remains on the cutting edge and in the conversation of the future of theological education. Stay tuned for how this work will impact us and other ATS schools.

One way we deliver accredited theological education to students and readers globally is through the combination of video conferencing, our digital library, and our online Carroll Learning Center. If you take a look at our Course Schedule for the Omega Term, you will find two courses that are offered in two of our Teaching Churches but can be accessed online in real time. Students and readers can participate in the live classroom experience from wherever they live and serve, and students can complete the course assignments through the Carroll Learning Center. We have offered several courses in this manner recently and have received good evaluations from students and readers who enrolled from other locations domestically and internationally. If you can’t make it to a Teaching Church location but want to complete your degree or learn from the best, consider this option or our online courses.

I always am privileged to preach in churches with Carroll graduates and in Carroll Teaching Churches. I look forward to preaching in the following churches in the weeks ahead.

  • March 6, Legacy Church, Plano, Kevin Boyd (MAT, Carroll), Sr. Pastor
  • March 13, FBC, Waxahachie, Dr. David Ritsema (PhD Carroll, Resident
    Fellow), Pastor
  • March 20, FBC, Crowley, Dr. Ed Ferlazzo (Carroll Distinguished Fellow), Min.
    of Music
  • April 3, Fellowship Church, Arkadelphia, AR, Dr. Scott Jackson (PhD Carroll,
    Resident Fellow), Pastor

I would count it an honor to worship and serve with you, and I would also be more than happy to meet with key leaders to share the miraculous stories surrounding the students and faculty of B. H. Carroll. Please feel free to contact me if I could serve your church in any way.

The opening words of Acts 13 caught my attention one morning during my time alone with God. Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers… You know the rest of the story, but what struck me that day was that God set apart two men with the spiritual gifts of prophecy and teaching for the work to which [God has] called them. We tend to think preachers and evangelists dominated the movement to tell others about the Risen Lord, but teachers were among the sent ones and were strategic players in the global enterprise of the Gospel. I am grateful to God for those who teach for Carroll who equip those called to serve Christ in the global and diverse ministries of his church. Together with all the gifts, we will proclaim and teach the person of Jesus Christ for the nations.

Serving with you,

Published: Feb 25, 2016


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