“Unto Us a Child is Born”

When the prophet Isaiah declared, “For unto us a child is born,” tensions were high between Israel and Assyria which soon led to war. “Distress and darkness, the gloom of anguish…they will be thrust into thick darkness” described that time in history. (Isaiah 9:6; 8:22) When I read those words today I think back to Christmases past when days were described in the same way.

  • We just remembered Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 1941 where over 2,000 were killed by a surprise attack on our harbored naval fleet and that atrocity led to the horrors of World War II. What was the message of Christmas that year? “For unto us a child is born.”
  • Christmas 2001 followed the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the deaths of almost 3,000 of our citizens. Tensions between the US and Iraq grew white hot and resulted in war. What message did we cling to that Christmas? “For unto us a child is born.”
  • This Christmas many feel we again have been “thrust into thick darkness” and “distress and darkness, the gloom of anguish” run rampant in our streets. What should be the Christmas message this year? “For unto us a child is born.”

“For unto us a child is born” is the message of our certain hope today. Into the fear, tension, death and struggles, a child has been born, a child who is, “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Our message as B. H. Carroll Theological Institute to this hurting, fear-filled world is, “A child has been born, and that child is Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Trust him, and you will find hope and the strength to face whatever may come your way.”

Join me this Christmas season as we share the hope of Christ with our world. Our alumni, faculty, students, and supporters all know this message, and we are its carriers to the ends of the earth.

Run into the dark places with me.

Hold hands with your neighbors, no matter their country of origin, against prejudice and pride.

Sing carols of hope into the dark, cold nights of winter.

Serve with joy the outcast and the people of God in the name of Jesus.

Open your hearts and hands and announce with me,


“Do not be afraid. For unto us a child is born.”

Serving with you,

Published: Dec 13, 2015


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